Thursday 19 November 2020

cheerleader fun


Rhonda was a high school cheerleader. She had just turned 18 a week ago and would be entering college after she graduated from high school this year. To help raise money for college she worked as a babysitter on the weekends. When school was over in a few weeks she would be starting a new summer job as a waitress. She was looking forward to getting out of babysitting. She was growing tired of putting up with the kids, especially the older ones.

She got a call from Mr. Thompson, her neighbor down the street, that they needed her to watch their two boys tonight while he and his wife went out. She didn�t like their two boys at all. They were terrors. Joey, had just turned 12 years old, and was already a menace. He often got into fights in school and in the neighborhood. Michael was 9 and was just as bad. The two of them together got into trouble often. That was why Mr. Thompson wanted a babysitter for them. Although they were old enough to take care of themselves, he didn�t trust them to stay home alone. Rhonda said yes because she really needed the money and because she knew this would be the last babysitting job she had to take. But the main reason she said yes was because she also knew that their older brother Jason had just returned home from college for the summer.

Rhonda had a crush on Jason. Ever since she first saw him playing in the high school football games she wanted to date him. He was currently a freshman at the same college that Rhonda would be going to. Rhonda had never really talked to Jason alone. She first met him when she was an 11th grade cheerleader and Jason was the starting running back. She would watch him play at every game and hoped that he would notice her. It was easy for Jason to notice her because Rhonda had the biggest breasts of all the girls her age. Rhonda would always wear tight or revealing clothing that would highlight her cleavage. But Jason was a year older and was only interested in meeting girls his age. So he had never asked the buxom blond cheerleader out for a date.

Rhonda arrived at the Thompson home at 6pm sharp as requested. The Thompson�s gave her some instructions and a contact phone number and then left her in charge saying they wouldn�t be home until after midnight. Mr. Thompson said that Jason, their son, should be home around 11pm, and that she could leave then if she wanted to. Rhonda was thrilled! Finally she would get to be alone with Jason! She was glad she had worn her tight button down flower print blouse and matching short mini skirt. Her flimsy top had a low cut front already but Rhonda had unbuttoned the top button intentionally so that when she leaned the right way a small portion of her white lace bra would be visible. Her mini skirt was very short and loose fitting and would swirl when she turned or when the wind blew. The fabric was so thin that if one were to look close enough they could see her thong panties showing through. Tonight she was wearing a white lace thong underneath that matched her bra. She knew that Jason would have a tough time keeping his eyes off of her now. She said goodnight to the Thompson�s and then went to meet the boys in the TV room.

The two of them were watching TV. An old western shootem� up movie was on. Rhonda said hello to them but they ignored her. She asked what they were watching. Joey looked at her but didn�t answer. "Did mom and dad leave yet?" he asked.

"Yes, they won�t be back until midnight. But your brother Jason should be home by 11pm. Is he out on a date?" she asked, hoping for a negative response.

"I don�t know. He just went out for a while."

"Did he say where he was going or who he was with?"

"He didn�t say where he was goin�. You gonna ask questions all night? Or are you gonna keep quiet and let us do what we want?" said Joey.

"Well as long as you stay out of trouble you guys can do what you want. Just don�t put on any R rated movies. Your parents don�t want you watching that trash." Rhonda said.

Michael spoke up then for the first time, "After this movie�s over can Joey and I go out to the garage and play cowboys and Indians? Jason brought some cool stuff home with him from college that�. Ouch!" Joey had punched Michael in the stomach.

"Don�t tell her about that. We wanted to surprise her," said Joey.

"Wanted to surprise me with what?" Rhonda asked.

"You�ll see, " Joey said.

"Yeah, we want you to help us play and make it more real. It�ll be a lot of fun, " Michael beamed.

"It would be nice if we all play together for once. Usually you guys end up fighting with each other and break something, and then I get blamed for doing a bad job. What did you have in mind?" Asked Rhonda.

"Let us finish watching this and then we�ll tell you what our idea is, " said Joey.

Rhonda left them to watch their show as she went into the kitchen to ponder. She was curious as to what the boys had in mind. Maybe they wanted her to be a cowgirl or an Indian princess or something. She wondered if Jason had some Indian princess costume that he liked his "women" to wear. She giggled thinking what it would be like if she were an Indian princess and Jason was a cowboy coming to ride off into the sunset with her.

At 7pm the movie ended and the boys said they were going out to the garage to get ready. They said they would call her when they were ready for her to come in. Rhonda said OK and waited patiently for about 10 minutes. Then she heard Joey�s slightly muffled voice yell for her to come in. Rhonda�s heart began beating a little bit faster as she carefully opened the door leading to the garage. She pulled open the door and became nervous when she found that the lights were turned out. She carefully walked forward into the darkness.

Rhonda had only taken a few steps into the garage when she heard a noise behind her and then felt a toy pistol poked into her back. Michael�s muffled voice called out, "Freeze lady, this is a stick up. Put your hands up where I can see� em." Michael was wearing a scarf around his face like a cowboy.

Rhonda giggled in relief and played along. She raised her hands up a little bit and said," Oh, please don�t hurt me mister. I�ll do anything you say, just don�t shoot me."

Michael whispered something to Joey. Then Joey called out, "Put yer hands behind yer back lady and keep yer mouth shut or I�ll shoot you in the back." Joey was wearing a scarf mask too and was trying to talk like a cowboy. Rhonda giggled again and put her hands behind her back.

"Listen lady, we�re gonna have ta tie you up so�s you won�t escape. We�re bringin' ya with us�. And stop laughing." Joey continued, "If I hear�s a peep outta you I�ll gag you real tight." Rhonda was giggling a lot at their game but tried to compose herself.

"You won�t have to do that, I�ll be quiet."

"Good. Give me the ropes, partner."

Rhonda stopped giggling when she heard that. She became nervous again but continued to stand still and play along. She wondered if they were really going to tie her hands up. She didn�t have to wait long to discover that the boys were serious. She felt a rough cotton rope being wound about her wrists several times. It was knotted off once and then Joey cinched it off between her wrists very tightly. Rhonda winced and groaned slightly as the rope was much more tighter than she expected.

"Do you have to tie it so tight?"

"Shut up lady! Once more and it�s a gag for you."

Rhonda remained silent. She felt the toy gun pulled away from her back. Joey told Michael to get the other rope. Rhonda�s heart was racing now and she was beginning to feel scared. She wondered if she shouldn�t have agreed to this. She reasoned that they were just boys and it wouldn�t last very long. She didn�t know that earlier in the day they had found their brother Jason�s bondage magazines and cotton rope in one of his bags. She didn�t know that they were planning to try them out on her.

Rhonda yelped in pain as Joey grabbed both of her elbows and pushed them together so that they touched each other. He held them together while Michael wrapped another cotton rope around her arms. Joey had pulled so hard on her elbows that Rhonda�s chest was thrust forward. This motion caused the second button on her blouse to pull open just like the top button. Rhonda didn�t notice her buttons. It was the pain in her arms and elbows that was holding her attention. She had had enough and began to resist.

"Hey, let me go! This is going too far. Untie me right now Joey, or you�ll be in big trouble when your dad gets home."

But Joey ignored her pleas and helped Michael tie the elbow ropes tighter. Rhonda�s elbows were tied together with knots that were impossible for her to reach. Now Rhonda tried to run. She kicked out at Joey and ran into the house.

Joey yelled to Michael, "She�s getting away. Help me catch her."

Michael and Joey ran after Rhonda. Rhonda was yelling threats and curses at them as she ran through the rooms looking for something that would cut the ropes off. She was beginning to panic as her desperate search was coming up empty. The two boys had split up and they cornered her behind the kitchen table. Rhonda backed up against the counter and pulled open a drawer with her hands still bound behind her. She plunged her fingers into the drawer hoping to find a knife. She couldn�t see what she was reaching for because she didn�t want to take her eyes off of Joey or Michael.

"Michael, you�re gonna be in big trouble. You tell Joey to stop and untie me or you both are� hey!"

Rhonda�s threat was interrupted because Joey had dove forward over the table and tackled her around the waist. Rhonda screamed as Joey pushed her onto the floor. Rhonda kicked and screamed but with her wrists and arms bound tight she didn�t stand a chance. Joey turned her over and made her lay on her stomach. Michael came around the table and grabbed her knees and held her legs still. Joey pulled off his scarf mask and began stuffing it into Rhonda�s screaming mouth. Rhonda groaned and complained as the rough scarf pushed its way past her soft lips. Joey continued forcing the scarf all the way in until it disappeared from view. Rhonda�s complaints were only a muffle now as her cheeks bulged to hold the cloth. Joey held his hand over her lips while Rhonda whimpered into the gag.

"Give me you scarf Michael."

Michael took off his scarf and handed it to Joey. Joey took his hand from Rhonda�s mouth just for a second so he could twist Michael�s scarf into a thin line. Holding the ends he pulled the scarf into Rhonda�s mouth between her teeth. When Joey pulled back on the scarf, the balled up scarf inside her mouth was pulled in deeper. Rhonda moaned deeply in complaint as Joey pulled the ends back hard. The corners of Rhonda�s mouth were pulled back as she almost choked on the first scarf in her mouth. Rhonda�s long blond hair was pressed against her head as the scarf wrapped its way around her cheeks. Joey continued pulling harder as he tied the second scarf off behind her head. When Joey finally let go of her, Rhonda�s lips were quivering. She was trying desperately to say something as she moaned at Joey. He kneeled over her while Michael continued holding her legs.

"Hey Joey, she�s not wearing any panties!"

Rhonda�s head jerked around and she looked over her shoulder to see what Michael was talking about. During her struggle with Joey her little mini skirt had ridden up above her hips. It was now all bunched up around her waist under her hands. Her bare ass was in plain view of Michael�s eyes, only inches away! She whimpered and tried to push her skirt down with her fingers.

"She�s wearing a thong, dufus. Haven�t you ever seen a girl wearing a thong before?"

"What�s a thong?" Michael asked.

"Here look." Joey lifted Rhonda�s hands up and then pulled her skirt all the way up so that Michael could see the top of her thong. Rhonda moaned as her pretty little ass was put on display.

"See, it leaves her ass open but it still covers her pussy."

When he said that, he pulled on Rhonda�s hip and rolled her onto her side. He continued holding up Rhonda�s skirt so that Michael could get a clear view of the front of Rhonda�s white lace thong as it gently covered her quivering pussy. Rhonda�s face turned a bright shade of red, as she lay there helpless to stop them, her private parts lewdly displayed before them. Michael still had his arms wrapped around her knees and thighs as he stared at a young girl's pussy for the first time.

Rhonda then noticed that her breasts were a little bit freer than they should be. She glanced down and saw that the first four buttons on her top were now all open from the struggling. Her breasts were so large that they were thrust out the top of her blouse. She was glad to see her bra was still in place to cover them.

Rhonda whimpered in fear. Her wrists and elbows tied tightly behind her back and her mouth filled with a gag. She begged and pleaded with her eyes at Joey and Michael for release. But they were both busy staring at her nylon-covered crotch. Joey licked his lips and he boldly rubbed his fingers along the front of her thong panties. Rhonda closed her eyes and whimpered helplessly again. Joey�s fingers only touched her for a short while though. He stood up.

"Come on Michael, let�s move her into the living room."

They each grabbed one of her arms and tried to lift her up. Rhonda wasn�t about to help them. She kicked at them with her sandal-covered feet. She fought and struggled with them for several minutes until they were all out of breath. They tried to hold her up but they weren�t strong enough. They let her slump back to the floor where she sat against the cabinets with her knees drawn up. She was breathing heavily into her gag. Some saliva was running down her pretty little cheeks and onto her neck. They both sat down across from her for a minute to catch their breath.

Joey looked at Rhonda�s heaving breasts and licked his lips again. Rhonda didn�t realize that with her knees drawn up her crotch was easily visible down between her legs. Joey was now looking at her thong. It was pulled slightly into her cunt with a few pubic hairs poking out the sides. Rhonda saw the lust in his eyes. Rhonda then realized exactly what he was looking at. She put her legs down and turned her body to the side. She twisted her hands and chewed at the gag hoping to gain some kind of freedom from her bondage. Helplessly she struggled.

There she sat, wrists and elbows bound tight behind her, her blouse unbuttoned, her large lace-covered breasts heaving, totally exposed, and a large scarf stuffed into her mouth, held in by another one tied tightly between her teeth. She hoped their parents would be coming home soon. She looked up at the clock on the wall. It was only 7:23pm. The boys� parents wouldn�t be home for over 4 hours! She groaned in despair and wondered what else the boys had in mind to do with her until then.

After a few minutes the boys were ready to try again. Joey said, "Let�s each grab one of her legs and drag her into the TV room." Rhonda kicked at them with her feet and grunted protests through her gag. Michael had a tough time but Joey was finally able to get a grip on one of her ankles and helped Michael secure the other. They pulled off her sandals leaving her feet bare. Then they lifted her legs up and began pulling her across the floor. Without the support of the cabinets Rhonda fell onto her back with her bound elbows and wrists underneath her. She began uttering threats and protests at them, but her tight gag muffled everything to grunts and moans.

For the first time in her life Rhonda regretted her choice of clothing. Her top was wide open and her sexy lace bra was totally exposed. But even worse, her mini-skirt was now pulled up from the sliding, revealing her white thong panties. She turned red with shame and embarrassment as her crotch was openly displayed in front of Joey and Michael. Joey stared at her nylon-covered pussy as they pulled her along. She felt so vulnerable now in the hands of these young boys.

She yelped and squealed through the cleave gag as her body was tossed around. Her bound arms rubbed along the carpet giving her brush burns. She tried to turn on her side to relieve some of the pain. But the boys made so many turns around the furniture that she was unable to keep her balance and fell onto her back again. They came to a stop in the TV room by the sofa. They dropped her feet to the floor and slumped down on the sofa. They were all out of breath and sat down for a moment.

Michael panted, "She�s heavy. I want to rest a bit."

"Go ahead," Joey said. "She won�t be goin� anywhere for a while."

But Rhonda knew they were wrong. She was already thinking of a way to make her escape. With a little bit of difficulty she managed to pull herself up to a sitting position on the floor. Joey was watching her intently, so she just sat there with her legs crossed for the moment. Joey smiled at her.

"You look really cute when your angry, you know that?"

Rhonda just sat there and grunted at him through the two scarves. She tried to say something.

"Fuuuhh� ooohh"

"Now, now. You just sit there like a good baby sitter while Michael and I watch some of Jason�s videos."

He got up and walked over to a duffle bag sitting in the corner of the room. Rhonda watched him closely. When he turned his back she glanced over at Michael. He was watching Joey at the moment, so Rhonda carefully stood up as quietly as she could. Then she bolted for the door leading to the garage that had been left open.

She ran through the garage frantically searching for the button that would open the garage door. Seeing it up on the wall, she rammed her shoulder into it and anxiously waited as the door began its slow rise. Impatiently she looked back into the house to see if they had heard the noise. Sure enough, the sound had caught their attention. Joey turned around and yelled.

"Hey, she�s getting away, after her!"

He dropped the video he was holding and pulled Michael off the sofa as he pointed at Rhonda. Rhonda squealed through her gag and dove for the opening under the slowly rising door. She rolled under the door and into the driveway.

Joey yelled at Michael, "Go after her! I�m goin� out the front to cut her off."

Rhonda scrambled to her feet and ran into the cool evening air. Her unbuttoned top had now fallen off both of her shoulders and was now draped around her waist and bound elbows. Her upper body was left in only her lace-covered bra. Her large breasts bounced in the white lace as she ran across the driveway. She tried to scream and yell as loudly as she could to the nearby houses, but the wadded scarf in her mouth muffled her cries.

"No one can possibly hear me," she thought.

She ran around the corner and headed to the front hoping there would be someone on the sidewalk that would see her. She continued uttering muffled cries through her gag, desperately hoping someone would be able to hear anyway.


She collided with Joey as she came around the front corner of the house. Joey wrapped his arms around her waist and pushed her backwards to the ground. Michael came running up from behind as Joey and Rhonda struggled together in the grass. The bound high school cheerleader was no match for Joey and he soon had her pinned on her back while he sat on her knees. He was holding her down with one hand on her breasts and one on her stomach. Rhonda grunted and groaned furiously through her gag as she continued her feisty struggling. It took all of Joey�s strength to keep her down. Michael stood by and asked if he could help.

"Yeah, see if anyone�s looking. We need to get her back inside before someone sees her."

Michael looked down the street in both directions. "I see a guy riding a bike coming this way. He�s coming pretty fast too."

"Shit! Help me get her behind these bushes."

Joey and Michael grabbed Rhonda�s arms by her shoulders and pulled her behind the row of shrubs lining the front of the house. Hearing that help was near, Rhonda began screaming as loud as she could through the thick gag. She kicked and twisted with all her strength. However, the two boys together were able to drag her through the dirt and hold her down behind the shrubs, out of sight. Rhonda continued her muffled yelling.

"Hehhmmm�. Hehhmm� Hehhmmm!"

"Shut up bitch!" Joey hissed.

He punched her as hard as he could in the stomach. Rhonda grunted hard from the blow as all the air in her lungs was forced out. Her struggling was halted for the moment. She gasped desperately for air. The gagging in her mouth made it very difficult for her to get oxygen. She nearly passed out. As she lay weekly choking through the scarves, she looked under the bushes toward the road. She saw the bike rider pass by. He never even looked over. Rhonda groaned in despair and started to cry a little. She pleaded for freedom again with moans and whimpering.

"Hmmm... mmm... ummm� mmmpph."

Ignoring her, Joey waited a moment then stood up to look around. "Good, nobody else is around. Let�s get her back inside."

Michael and Joey grabbed her arms and shoulders and began dragging her back around the house to the garage entrance. Rhonda pleaded and sobbed as she was pulled along helplessly. Her clothes were torn and half off. Her body was covered in dirt. She had cuts and scrapes and burns all over her limbs. Her mouth was still heavily gagged with scarves and her arms were still bound tightly behind her. They carried her back inside and closed the door.

"We�re gonna have to tie her up better so she can�t run away again." Joey said to Michael. "Go get some more rope�. Oh, and bring one of them kitchen chairs too. We can tie her to that while we watch these movies."

Rhonda whimpered emphatically when she heard that. She realized her chance of escape was about to end. Joey dropped her onto the floor by the sofa. Rhonda looked up as Michael came into the room. He brought in a chair and a large handful of rope. Joey took the rope from Michael. Rhonda began moaning loudly in protest when the chair was set down next to her

"Mmmmm� Mmmmpph� MMMMMM� MMMMMPPHH!!!"

Joey reached down and grabbed Rhonda�s squirming ankles.

Joey crossed her ankles and held them tight as he began winding the rope around them. Michael sat on Rhonda�s back to keep her still. Rhonda whimpered a futile complaint as Joey wrapped the rope in a criss-cross pattern. Back and forth he went, first around and then through the middle and then around again. Rhonda could feel the rope pulling tighter and tighter as it passed one way and then the other. After what seemed like more than 15 passes, Rhonda finally felt the rope being tied off.

Rhonda groaned when she found she could no longer pull her feet apart. With her ankles crossed, and held that way by the tight ropes, she couldn�t bring her knees together either. She tried to close them, but only managed to get them about a foot apart before the grip of the ropes hurt too much. She had already lost most of the feeling in her arms and hands from the roping around her wrists and elbows, so Rhonda relaxed her legs and resolved herself to her fate.

Joey rolled her over and wrapped his arms around her waist. He tried to lift her up to the chair, but Rhonda resisted by twisting and bucking her hips. Michael came over and helped his brother, and together they finally managed to get the bound cheerleader up to the chair. Moans were forced through her gag from the rough handling.

"Owmmm� mmmmm� mmmpphh!!"


Rhonda grunted loudly as they dropped her down onto the hard wood chair. Her skirt flared out causing her naked buttocks to slap against the cold wood. She squirmed her hips in an effort to get comfortable. But the boys were about to make her even less comfortable. Joey lifted her legs up off the floor with one hand and used the other to push against her belly, holding her down in the chair.

"Tie her feet to the rung," he said to Michael.

She complained and moaned emphatically, "Mmmm� mmmmmm� MMMMPPHH!"

She shook her head furiously as she mouthed the gag, but there was nothing she could do to stop their plans. Michael got another piece of rope and tied Rhonda�s crossed ankles to the rung that connected the front two legs of the chair. When he was finished, Rhonda was unable to put her feet down to the floor. They were held up about 8 inches off the floor.

"Help me get her arms over the back of the chair," Joey said.

Michael moved around behind the chair. Joey lifted Rhonda up until Michael was able to grab her arms.

"Wait a minute. Her top is gonna get in the way," Joey said.

He set her back down. Joey began unbuttoning the rest of Rhonda�s blouse. Rhonda shook her head in defiance again and grunted furiously. He ignored her. He undid the last button and pulled her top back around behind her. The ropes on Rhonda�s elbows and wrists prevented him from removing it completely.

"We�re gonna have to cut it off or untie her," Michael observed.

"If we cut it we�ll get into more trouble," Joey said. "I�ll just untie her elbows. Then you can pull it down to her wrists. I can re-tie her elbows, and then we can do her wrists. OK?"

"All right."

Joey came around and untied Rhonda�s elbows. Rhonda moaned as the blood rushed back into her forearms. It felt good to move her elbows again. But that small bit of freedom was short lived. Michael yanked her blouse down to her wrists, and immediately Joey pushed her elbows back together. Rhonda winced in pain as Michael tied them tight again. Then her wrists were freed, the blouse removed, and her wrists re-tied again. Then they went back to their original task.

Joey lifted Rhonda up and Michael pulled her arms over the back of the chair. Joey set her back down and the two of them went to work securing her wrists and arms to the chair. She couldn�t stop whimpering as they tied her arms down in three places: wrist, elbow, and shoulder. She was now unable to move her arms at all. She felt so vulnerable as she was forced to stay seated in the chair with her feet raised and knees apart.

They stood up to observe their work. Rhonda looked up at them pitifully with tears in her eyes, begging for mercy. She was left sitting there in just her mini-skirt, panties and bra. Her mouth was stuffed with one scarf and another was tied between her teeth. Her arms were tied down to the back of the chair behind her, which made her large breasts stick out. She looked down at her lap. It was just as she feared. With her legs held up and apart, Rhonda saw the white triangle of her panties sticking out from the bottom edge of her mini-skirt. She knew the boys could see it too. She looked up at Joey and saw him staring down at her nylon-covered pussy.

"Yes," he said. "That�s a nice view, I hope you don�t mind if I stare."

Rhonda�s face reddened. She tried to close her legs again, but the ropes dug into her ankles painfully. She wiggled in her seat, trying to get her skirt to cover her crotch. She bucked her hips up and down, but nothing helped. She could still see the front of her panties. She raised her hips up as high as she could and finally managed to get her skirt to slide down, covering her thong. But she couldn�t hold herself up like that for long. She soon tired and dropped back down to the chair. Her skirt slid back up, and her panties reappeared. She moaned in frustration.

Without any support for her legs, it actually felt more comfortable to let gravity hold them open. Humiliated and defeated, she gave up trying to protect her privacy and just sat there with her panties exposed.

"Nice try," Joey said. "I see you�ve given up. Now we can look at your panties whenever we want," he gloated.

"Mmmmm� Glllgggg� Urrrr� Mmmmph�"

She chewed at the scarves. She wanted to tell them to stop so badly. She was begging to be untied. She didn�t want to be left like this. They ignored her whimpering and sat down on the sofa. Rhonda mewed helplessly and twisted her hands and ankles, pulling at the ropes. The wadding of scarves felt so awful in her mouth, and she was starting to drool a lot more now from the sodden cloth. She shook her head from side to side trying to get the gag to come loose. Joey just chuckled at her as he walked past to put a video in the VCR.

Then he moved her chair over to the side so he could see her and the TV at the same time. Rhonda turned her head so she could see the TV. She was curious to see what the movie was.

It was a pornographic bondage movie! She looked at Joey and Michael watching intently on the sofa. How could they watch this trash? Where did they get a movie like this? Then she remembered Joey saying something about watching one of Jason�s movies. She wondered if Jason was really into bondage. Rhonda continued watching the movie. She was curious, but she also had nothing else to do.

She watched, as several women were being tied up in all kinds of ways. She was horrified to see them stripped and bound in their underwear, or topless, or even totally nude. Some had their naked breasts bound so tight they were turning purple. One girl was even forced to endure nipple clamps. Another naked girl was placed in a hog tie with a rope splitting her cunt. It looked vicious and Rhonda shivered and squirmed in her chair. She wondered how the girl felt to have a rope through her pussy. She hoped she would never have to find out herself.

Michael and Joey watched the movie for over an hour. Michael didn�t seem to be very interested, but Joey was hooting and hollering the whole time. He kept looking over at Rhonda and winking at her. Rhonda was scared. Did those winks mean he was planning to do these things to her? Rhonda was worried when the movie was ending. Her heart began beating a lot faster.

She wiggled and squirmed in her bondage. The scarves in her mouth were now soaked with her saliva. She looked down at her breasts. Some drool had fallen from the sides of her mouth onto her white bra. She decided to stop struggling. She had grown tired and her arms and ankles hurt. She knew there was no way she could get untied without someone�s help. The gag was too tight, her arms and wrists were secure, and her ankle bonds weren�t budging either. But what she hated the most was that she still couldn�t close her legs and cover her crotch.

The movie ended. Rhonda was frightened. She watched nervously as Joey got up and removed the tape from the VCR. Michael said he wanted to go out and play in the yard. He left the room to head outside. Rhonda really didn�t want to be left alone with Joey. He made her very nervous as she squirmed helplessly in her bra and mini-skirt. But he walked out of the room too. Immediately Rhonda launched a new effort to get loose. She jerked her legs hoping to loosen the ropes on her ankles. She mouthed the wadded scarf with her tongue. She thought maybe she could push it past the one tied between her teeth. Then maybe that one would be a little bit looser.

She worked her jaw and tongue on the wadded scarf in her mouth. She tried to push it around the scarf tied between her teeth. Rhonda made all kinds of contorted faces and noises while she worked at the gag. She held her mouth open as wide as she could while pushing with her tongue. She grunted from the effort. Then she bit down on the scarves, hoping to compact them more tightly and make them smaller. The rough scarf tasted bitter. She nearly made herself retch. She tossed her head up and down and shook it from side to side, moaning and grunting. She finally concluded that the wadded up scarf was too big. Her jaw muscles were getting sore and she hadn�t made any progress. The gag wasn�t coming out unless someone removed it. She groaned loudly in frustration.

Rhonda was mad at herself for getting caught so easily. She shook her head angrily as hard as she could. More saliva fell onto her chest. Her bra was feeling wet and sticky as the nylon clung to her bosom. She looked down at her breasts. The white nylon was wet in several places. She saw little beads of perspiration on her breasts and in her cleavage. The struggling had made her sweaty. The gag was beginning to hurt too. The scarf was pulling and chafing the corners of her mouth. Instinctively Rhonda kept trying to bring her hands up to pull the gag out, but every time the ropes reminded her how helpless she was. She wanted to scream for help. She didn�t, knowing it was useless. The only thing she had left to do was cry.

Then she heard someone talking. Joey was on the phone with someone. She stopped sobbing so she could hear what he was saying.

"Yeah, you gotta come see this! You will never believe who I got here with me.�� Dude, come on over.��. Yeah, now.��.. No, I got a cheerleader here, and she�s all tied up��Yeah, a cheerleader from school. I got her bound and gagged to a chair� Rhonda�� The blond with the huge tits�� I�m not kidding, come over and take a look for yourself. ��I did�� I�ll tell you when you get here��Dude, you got to see her tits, they are fucking huge! And she�s wearing thong panties too�� Yup��No, well, maybe. I don�t want to get in any more trouble��All right, I�ll be waiting."

Rhonda was really scared now. Joey had invited someone else over. She couldn�t imagine what would happen to her when he arrived. She began thrashing against the ropes violently. She had to get loose, now! The chair she was tied to actually bounced several times off the floor from her efforts.

Rhonda�s feisty struggling brought Joey into the room instantly. Rhonda stopped when she saw him. Her breathing was very heavy as she snorted through her nose. Her breasts were heaving. Joey smiled and then laughed when he saw the predicament she had gotten herself into now. One bra strap had fallen off her shoulder revealing most of the round globe of the cheerleader�s right breast. There was a film of sweat all over Rhonda�s upper body and thighs. Her bra was saturated with sweat. Her nipples were now visible through the thin white material. Rhonda�s eyes were big and scared as she whimpered at him desperately.

"You look so pretty like that," he said as he eyed her nipples.

"One of my friends is on his way over," he continued. "He�ll think I�m really cool when he sees you like that. Now I�ll be allowed in their gang for sure. This was such a great idea. He�ll be here in about 10 minutes. Have fun waiting." At that Joey left again, presumably to watch for his friend.

Rhonda eyed the clock fearfully as each minute passed by. She couldn�t escape her bonds, and even if she did, her legs and arms were so sore and tired she doubted she could get away. She tried to be brave but the tears fell anyway.

Then she heard the doorbell ring�.

Rhonda heard Joey open the front door. She heard several voices chattering excitedly as Joey invited the arrivals into the house. Rhonda was petrified to hear more than one person. She turned her head as far as she could to see the front door. She was anxious to see who it was, but she couldn�t turn her head far enough to see them. She could only hear their conversation.

"Billy, I thought you was comin� by yourself," Joey said.

"Well I didn�t think you would mind and since you do want to join my gang I had to bring everyone along," said the voice of a boy who sounded like the leader. "You remember Tom, Lorenzo and my girl Roxy don�t you?"

Rhonda didn�t recognize the voices but it did sound like Billy and the others were much older than Joey.

"Well, don�t make a mess of the house. I don�t want to be cleaning up after you. My brother will be home around eleven and then my parents will be back after that."

"Ah, just relax. We came to party, and your family will never know it was us anyway," said Billy.

Rhonda heard the sound of glass bottles hitting each other.

"Look what we brought," sad Lorenzo.

"Dude, that�s whiskey! You can�t drink that in here!" Joey exclaimed.

"Nobody here is gonna stop us. Right Joey?" said Billy.

"A-A-All right� but don�t spill any."

She heard them walk down the hall and enter the kitchen from the back way. She still couldn�t see any of them. She was very nervous and frightened. She yanked frantically at the ropes binding her ankles to the rung of the chair. Her legs were still bound tight as ever. She stretched her fingers, reaching for the knot to the ropes that held her wrists together. She couldn�t see what she was doing with her arms bound behind her. She eventually gave up. Even if she did manage to free her wrists she could never reach the ropes that encircled her elbows.

With her arms tied down to the back of the chair she could barely wiggle her upper body. Not that she really wanted to anyway. One bra strap had slid off her shoulder, and the slightest movement would uncover her right nipple. She tried to hold still as best she could. Her thong panties were already exposed below her mini skirt by the way her legs were held open from the ankle tie. She didn�t want to make her situation any worse.

"So where is she?" asked Roxy.

"In the TV room," answered Joey.

"I gotta see this. I can�t believe you got a fucking cheerleader," said Billy.

Rhonda trembled when she heard footsteps behind her. Unable to hold back the fear, she began crying hysterically into her gag. She turned her head to look, hoping her tear filled eyes would persuade the person to let her go. She got a glimpse of a bald-headed 17-year-old boy. He wore blue jeans and no shirt. His upper body was covered in tattoos.

"Shit! She�s not blindfolded!" He yelled as he quickly retreated out of Rhonda�s sight back into the kitchen.

"What the fuck, dude? Why ain�t she blindfolded? You want her to see who we are?"

"I�m sorry, I didn�t think of it. I don�t think she knows you," Joey said nervously.

"You dumb fuck, she looked right at me! I oughtta kick your ass right now shit head! How could you be so fucking stupid?"

"N-N-Now hold on. Just give me a second, I�ll find something to blindfold her with."

"Asshole! Your lucky I�m in a good mood. I�ve been wantin� to see this bitch naked every since I saw her shakin� her pretty little ass in school. You did good baggin� this cunt, so I�ll cut you some slack."

Rhonda wailed uncontrollably through the scarves as she waited helplessly for her fate. She didn�t want to be blindfolded, but she couldn�t stop them. After a few agonizing minutes, Joey appeared holding a roll of duct tape. Tears streamed down Rhonda�s face as she looked up at him, whimpering for release.

"Pweeetthh� ohnnnggg� oooo� iphhhh�. "

BRRRRRPPPP� Joey pulled the end out about 18 inches. She screamed as Joey brought the tape up to her eyes.


"Sorry babe, I gotta do it."

Then he leaned close and whispered in her ear.

"I won�t let him hurt you."

Joey�s sudden words of hope only swayed Rhonda�s fears a little. She sat helplessly as Joey wrapped the sticky tape over her eyes and around her head. The last thing Rhonda saw was a worried but friendly smile on Joey�s face. He wound the tape around her head four times. He covered her face from her forehead to the tip of her nose. He pressed the tape down to the sides of her nose making it snug. He made sure she was unable to peek out the bottom.

Rhonda�s tears were buried under the layers of the gray tape. She was trapped now in total darkness. Her senses were flooded with feelings of fright. She felt her heart pounding frantically in her chest. Her breathing was rapid and shallow. She was sweating profusely and what little clothes she had left on felt glued to her body. She felt her right nipple growing erect from a flow of cool air. She knew her breast must have become uncovered.

Suddenly she felt Joey�s hand on that breast. She squealed through the gag and inhaled sharply, unable to pull away. She held her body rigid, preparing herself to be violated. But Joey�s hand tugged gently on her bra, pulling it up to cover her breast. Then he pulled her strap back up onto her shoulder and left.

Rhonda stopped crying as she pondered Joey�s change of heart. "What was he doing?" she thought. "Now he�s helping me. Maybe underneath all that toughness he isn�t so bad. He�s probably afraid of this other guy." Rhonda used Joey�s small show of kindness to bolster her confidence. She stopped sniffling and bravely held her head erect as she heard the others enter the room.

"Well, well, will you look at those knockers? Them�s the biggest set of tits I�ve seen on a high school girl. Nice panties too! Gotta admit Joey, you done a good job of tyin� her up. Whatta ya think gang?" said Billy.

"Whoooo hoooo� She�s really hot," said Lorenzo. Rhonda now thought she recognized that voice.

"Yeah, her name�s Rhonda," said Joey. "She�s really nice."

"I�ve seen her before. She�s that blond babe with the huge tits at the football games" said Tom. "I�ve always wanted to see them naked."

"I like the sexy little thong she�s showing off," chuckled Roxy. "Kind of turns you on doesn�t it, guys?"

"Yeah, you sure got that right babe," said Billy. "We gotta get this fucking party started. Joey, bring us some glasses while I prepare our pretty little cheerleader here."

"P-P-Prepare her? What are you gonna do to her?" asked Joey.

"Relax dude, we won�t rape her."

Rhonda was only slightly relieved to hear that. She had been certain that they were going to rape her. She was still very frightened at the direction the conversation was going. She knew they might change their mind at any moment.

"I just want to see what she�s got hiding under those panties of hers," said Billy as he reached for Rhonda�s skirt.

Rhonda panicked at the sound of those words. She screamed into the scarves as she shook her head furiously. She felt rough hands clawing under her skirt as they searched for the top of her thong. Knowing that she was about to lose her panties, Rhonda began bucking and twisting her hips in resistance. She nearly flipped the chair over from her violent effort. She screamed and cried through her gag, desperate to retain her decency.

"Mmmooohhg� ahgggg� ehmmm� mmpphh� AAAHHHMMM� MMMPPHHH!"

"Aw shut up bitch! Stop bawling!" Billy had stopped before getting to her panties.

"Joey couldn�t you shut her up better than that. I don�t want her fucking screaming in my ear every time I touch her. I need something else to gag her with. Where the fuck is that duct tape you had!"

"It�s right over there," Joey said as he pointed to the end table.

"This bitch needs her mouth filled up. Somebody get me something to put in her mouth."

Rhonda screamed louder at the thought of having her mouth stuffed some more. Her mouth was already aching from the scarf wedged inside and the one tied between her teeth.

"I got an idea," said Roxy. "You can use my panties. I won�t be needing them for the next few hours," she said with a wink.

Rhonda almost died when she heard that. "Panties? They wouldn�t dare put that girl�s panties in my mouth, would they?" she thought.

"Hey, that�s a great idea Roxy. Give �um here," said Billy.

Roxy reached under her own mini-skirt and pulled down her black satin bikini panties. She stepped out of them and handed them to Billy.

"I hope our cheerleader doesn�t mind that I�ve been wearing those for a few days."

Rhonda was already squirming in her chair, frantically struggling to get loose. She yanked desperately at her bonds hoping to get free before those panties found her lips. She could just imagine how bad worn panties would taste. She decided she preferred the taste of the two scarves. But she had no way of voicing her opinion.

A long minute went by. Rhonda only heard giggling and chuckling. She wondered what they were doing. She knew she wasn�t going to like it. Then she felt hands tugging at the knot behind her head. The scarf that was tied between her teeth was removed. She groaned loudly as her jaw muscles were finally able to relax. Then she felt those hands on her shoulders, grabbing both bra straps and pulling them down. The front of her bra was jerked down sharply freeing both breasts. Then came a sharp pinch on her right nipple from someone�s fingers. Rhonda cried out in pain, and before she knew what happened, the sodden scarf in her mouth was yanked out. Rhonda opened her mouth wider and began screaming, but the satin panties were quickly stuffed in, cutting it off.

"AAAHHHHmmmm� Ggggg... ahhhggg.. Mmmmmpphh�"

Rhonda almost gagged when the soiled cotton crotch was pressed against her tongue. Billy laughed in amusement as Rhonda�s face wrinkled up in revulsion at the taste. He had turned the crotch inside out for her "enjoyment".

"There you go cunt. I knew you�d like the taste of pussy."

The black satin was soft and clingy and it wrapped itself around her tongue when Rhonda pushed against it. Then she felt the wet scarf following the panties into her mouth. Rhonda tried to bite down on the fingers pushing it in, but the wad of panties kept her from clamping down her teeth very hard. Helplessly, she was forced to take the scarf in too. The panties were pushed to the back of her mouth, threatening to choke her. The scarf wouldn�t go all the way in at first, so Billy used his thumb to repeatedly poke at the scarf until it was past her teeth. Rhonda�s whimpering was silenced as her cheeks bulged to take in all the packing.

"Mmmmmm� mmmmpphh"

Her moaning was barely audible now. Then the roll of duct tape was brought out. Billy tore a six-inch piece off the roll and moved around behind Rhonda. He pulled her head back by the chin and held her head against his stomach. Pulling as hard as he could on her chin, he forced her mouth to squeeze shut on the panties and scarf. He slapped the piece of duct tape over her lips. He pressed it down tightly with his thumbs. Then he took the roll and wrapped more tape around her head and over her mouth several times. Rhonda grunted and groaned, her hands writhing uselessly behind her. The others watched as Rhonda's knees flapped up and down spasmodically as the tape was pulled tightly around her head three times before being torn off.

Rhonda gave a defiant grunt when he finally finished and released his grip. The panties and scarf were now completely sealed in under the three layers of gray tape. Rhonda grunted and moaned as she struggled against the packing. She tried to swallow but the panties moved into the top of her throat and started to choke her. She tossed her head around violently fighting the gag. Finally she was able to use her tongue to free her throat of the panties. She continued moaning and whimpering under the tape, unable to get her mouth comfortable around the heavy packing.

Rhonda didn�t like this gag any better than the previous one. Sure it didn�t hurt nearly as much, but her mouth was over-stuffed and the satin panties weren�t very palatable. Now she couldn�t pull her lips apart. She could only breath through her nose. Rhonda felt even more helpless now. Someone pinched her nipples again, hard. She screamed as loud as she could behind the tape, but it only came through as soft mewing.

"There, that�s much better," said Billy. "Hey, whatcha got there? Is that a porn movie?"

Joey had started a videotape while Rhonda was being gagged. He was hoping to distract them.

"Yeah, it belongs to my brother. Michael and I found it earlier today. It�s how I got the idea to tie up Rhonda. You gotta see the chick in this movie. Her tits are even bigger than Rhonda�s."

Rhonda heard them all sit down on the sofa to watch the movie as they left her alone to enjoy her new gag. She heard the whiskey bottles opened and poured into the glasses. She slumped back on the chair, exhausted and defeated. She was still crying but there weren�t any more tears left. She had been humiliated to no end. Her panty-covered crotch was openly displayed, her bra was pulled down exposing her large breasts, and now she was forced to hold a pair of panties in her mouth. Blindfolded and vulnerable, she didn�t think things could get any worse. Or could they?

Rhonda sat helplessly in the chair. She was blindfolded and gagged with duct tape. Roxy�s panties and a scarf were inside her mouth pressing against her tongue and bulging out her cheeks. She was bound tightly to the chair in her mini skirt, with her ankles crossed and tied to the rung in front, keeping her knees from closing. Her wrists and elbows were tied together behind the back of the chair, and her arms were tied down to the sides of the chair. She had lost her blouse and now her bra was pulled down off her shoulders and in front. Her large breasts jiggled freely when she squirmed.

Billy and his gang were on the sofa watching the porno movie that Joey had found earlier. They were drinking whiskey, laughing, and shouting. They were having a great time enjoying the tits displayed on TV and on Rhonda. Rhonda was not having a good time. She tossed her head around from time to time whimpering and moaning. She just couldn�t get used to the gag. The panties tasted awful and her whole mouth was crammed with the packing. She could barely get enough oxygen by breathing through her nose. She felt so embarrassed knowing that her breasts were naked and her crotch exposed. Her arms and legs ached from the tight bondage and her exhaustive struggling. She hoped this ordeal would end soon.

About half way through the movie Rhonda began noticing a strange odor. It grew stronger and stronger as the minutes passed by. It started to make her feel a little light-headed. That�s when she realized it was the smell of marijuana!

�Those kids are smoking pot!� she thought. �They�re probably drunk already and now they�re getting high. I hope Joey isn�t doing it too. He�s only 12. I wonder where Michael went.�

Rhonda, as their baby-sitter, was still concerned for both of them. But she was unable to do anything. She just sat and listened to the party going on around her. After several minutes she heard Billy speak out.

�Why don�t we let our new playmate have a smoke of this stuff too? I�ll bet she�ll like it.�

Rhonda had never smoked marijuana before. She had tried cigarettes but she didn�t like the taste. She twisted and squirmed, anxiously wishing she could avoid just one of their cruel desires. Billy came up next to her and pulled out his pocketknife.

�Hold still cunt. I�m gonna poke a hole in your gag with my knife. If you don�t want the blade going through your lip you�ll do as I say.�

Saying that, he opened the blade and pulled Rhonda�s head back by her hair. Rhonda whimpered loudly but kept still. Her lips were trembling under the tape as he pressed the point through the center.

�mmmmmm� MMMMMM!!!�

Rhonda squealed when she felt the metal blade poke her lower lip.

�Hold still, damn it!�

He tightened his grip in her hair and rotated the blade making a small circular hole. When he finished, he pulled the knife away, and a tiny trickle of blood flowed from Rhonda�s lip. Her lips had been pressed together so tight by the tape that there hadn�t been enough room for the blade to fit between them. Billy�s knife had jabbed a small whole in her lower lip.

�Shit, she�s bleeding a little. � Now hold still a moment and I�ll get it to stop,� he said kindly.

Rhonda grunted angrily. She didn�t want him touching her, but she held still anyway. Billy put the knife down and pressed his hand tightly against her lip to stop the bleeding. After a few minutes he pulled his hand away. Rhonda tried breathing through the new hole and was able to get a little bit more air. She still couldn�t move her lips though.

�Give me one of those special ones. Yeah, she�ll like this. Here bitch, get a drag of this.�

Billy pushed the joint through the hole and forced it between her lips. Rhonda jerked her head away, which sent the joint flying across the floor. Billy angrily grabbed her hair and jerked her head back to him forcefully.

�Get back here bitch!� he snarled. �I�m givin� you some good stuff and you�re trying to pull away! I oughtta fuck you up! Now hold still and enjoy it.�

Roxy retrieved the joint for Billy. Billy clamped one arm around Rhonda�s head and pinched her nose shut. Rhonda whimpered weakly in his vice like grip. He held the joint steady between her lips while Roxy lit it up. Then he waited for her to breathe through it.

Rhonda held her breath. She tried to twist away, but he was too strong for her. He was holding her nose really tight and she knew she would have to take a breath soon. Reluctantly she took a pull on the joint.

Billy saw the tip flare up for a moment. He released her nose just long enough for her to exhale the smoke through it. Then he pinched it closed again. Rhonda whimpered helplessly as he forced her to take another pull. Trembling under his powerful arms, Rhonda cried as Billy held her in this position for several minutes. He repeated the process of opening and closing her nose until the joint was nearly gone. After a while Rhonda�s muscles had no more tension. Her head was spinning from the effect of the drug. There was something much stronger than marijuana in that joint. She felt so relaxed and dreamy. The pain in her arms and legs was slowly drifting away. She breathed deeper as she continued to smoke the joint. �This feels good!� she thought. She didn�t realize that Billy wasn�t holding her head anymore. Rhonda�s head lolled over to the side with the joint still between her lips.

�Hey she likes it!� someone shouted.

�This feels good!� Rhonda thought.

Rhonda had no idea where she was anymore or what was happening. She felt her mind drifting away from all her troubles. Her body felt so good. Someone�s hands were on her naked breasts, kneading them.

�This feels good!� Rhonda thought.

Fingers were running over her nipples, stimulating them until they stiffened. She felt her skirt being unzipped by someone behind her but she didn�t care anymore. She moaned softly and even raised her hips as they pulled her skirt down. The cool air made her hot body tingle. Billy ran his fingers over the front of her thong panty. Her pussy was starting to get wet. Rhonda�s head was swimming in delight.

Rhonda cooed softly as she opened her knees wider not realizing what she was doing. Billy rubbed her pussy through the thin nylon as Rhonda gave in to the sexual desire that was rising inside her. She threw her head back in ecstasy, and flapped her knees open and close in rhythm with Billy�s fingers. Billy only paused for a moment to remove his pants and underwear. Then he began stroking Rhonda�s panties again with one hand while fisting his cock with the other. Rhonda moaned louder as his fingers moved faster and faster over her mound.

After a few more minutes Rhonda was getting wild with excitement. She was thrusting her pelvis up and down against Billy�s fingers. Her breasts bounced in rhythm with her gyrating hips. Her moans grew louder and louder as her orgasm came closer and closer. The chair was bouncing and creaking with each thrust of her hips.

Billy stopped and grabbed the waist of her panties. He tugged on the thong and pulled it off her loins. The silky nylon slid down her thighs revealing Rhonda�s blond thatch of pubic hair now glistening with moisture. The panties joined her skirt around her bound ankles. Rhonda thrust out her naked pussy eagerly, moaning for more attention as she mouthed the panties and scarf under the tape. Billy�s fingers touched her pussy once more. Rhonda moaned deeply as his fingers entered her.


�This feels good!� she thought.

Rhonda�s breasts heaved rapidly as she panted and snorted through her nose. She started thrusting again with an even greater force than before. Billy pumped his two fingers in and out so hard that her pussy made a slapping sound against his knuckles. She was grunting in rhythm with each stroke. Billy couldn�t hold back any longer, he was about to explode.

�Ohhhhh�. Yeahh�. Baby here it comes!�

Billy pulled his fingers out of Rhonda�s pussy. This caused a loud groan of disappointment to eminent from under the tape on her mouth. Billy used his knife to cut the ropes around her ankles. Rhonda kicked off her skirt and thong that were dangling from her ankles and opened her legs wide. She moaned for Billy to enter her as she pushed her cunt forward. Billy grabbed her thighs and lifted her up. He started to lower himself onto her when he was interrupted by Joey�s shout of surprise.

�Shit! My parents just pulled in!� Joey shouted. �You gotta stop and get out of here! Why the hell are they home so early?�

�Damn it! I was just about to cum inside her.�

Billy wasn�t about to let his orgasm get away. He stood up and finished himself off with a few quick jerks of his hand. His cum shot out and hit the seat of the chair, just inches away from Rhonda�s gyrating pelvis. Rhonda was still thrusting her torso up and down in the air. She wanted release too, but there was nothing she could do to get it. She groaned with a new frustration and tried to rub her pussy against the chair. She squeezed her thighs together and lifted her knees up and down trying to rub herself. She was desperate to reach an orgasm. But she couldn�t make it happen.

�What the fuck are we going to do?� yelled Lorenzo.

�You guys grab our stuff and get out. I�ll take care of miss pompoms here. Joey, go meet your parents and stall them. I need like 5 minutes,� ordered Billy.

Billy pulled on his pants and grabbed his knife. He began slashing the ropes holding Rhonda�s upper body to the chair. He cut the ropes on her arms and wrists. Rhonda was still high from the drugs and sexual stimulation. Her limbs were exhausted and sore from the ropes. She didn�t resist as he picked up her clothes and drug her down the hall and into a bedroom.

Roxy gathered up the rope while Lorenzo got the glasses and bottles. Tom�s fingers fumbled with the buttons as he hastily tried to remove the videotape from the VCR. Finally he got it out and stumbled after the other two as they ran out of the house. Joey met his parents in the garage at the rear of the house.

Billy dumped Rhonda�s naked body onto the bed and dropped her clothes on the floor. He cut and tore the tape from her lips and pulled out the scarf and panties. He used his knife to cut the duct tape off her eyes. He yanked and yanked at the sticky tape, trying to unglue it from her hair. Rhonda yelped in pain as some of her hair was pulled out. Realizing this was taking too long; he used his knife and cut pieces of Rhonda�s hair until all the tape was removed. Rhonda fell back onto the bed moaning as she fingered herself. She still wanted to bring about her orgasm, but it was quickly fading.

�Ohhh� Touch me please. Make me cum� Ohhhhh�� she moaned frantically, still delirious.

Billy heard Joey and his parents enter the house.

�Where the hell is that babysitter? I�m gonna kill her for letting Michael outside after dark. What the hell is that smell Joey?� shouted Mr. Thompson angrily.

�I don�t smell nothing,� lied Joey.

�Have you been smoking? Where is that girl? Damn it! Who the hell are you?�

Billy had entered the TV room from the bedroom and coolly faced an irate Mr. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson didn�t look happy either but she stood by quietly with a look of fear on her face as she watched her husband. Billy got the feeling that she had seen Mr. Thompson�s rage before and knew to stay out of the way.

�Rhonda�s in the bedroom resting. She had a little too much fun. I�m her boyfriend William. Nice to meet you sir.� Billy held out his hand for a shake but Mr. Thompson ignored it and stepped past him.

�I told that girl she wasn�t allowed to have any friends over. RHONDA GET OUT HERE NOW!!!!!� he shouted.

They heard the sound of someone stumbling and then the door of the bedroom slowly opened. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Joey all watched in surprise, with their mouths hanging open, as a naked Rhonda stumbled into the hall. She took a staggered step forward and then collapsed against the wall nearly falling over. She moaned as her head was spinning from the drug. She had no idea where she was.

�Ohhhh� touch me�� she rubbed her pussy with one hand as she tried to focus on the blurry figures watching her.

�Where am I?� she said weakly, obviously unaware that she was standing there naked in front of her boss.

Mr. Thompson lost it. He marched down the hall and grabbed her arm and pulled her back into the TV room. He ignored the fact that this 18-year old cheerleader was buck-naked. Her breasts jiggled as he shook her and yelled in her face.

�What the hell is the matter with you? I told you to never have people over! And why are you fucking your boyfriend in my bedroom! Can�t you find someplace else to do it?"

Rhonda looked at him with a confused look in her eyes. Her head drooped forward as it looked like she would pass out. Rhonda only groaned in response to his questions. Mr. Thompson grabbed her blond hair in his fist and snapped her head back.

�What the hell is wrong with you? Have you been doing drugs?�

�I feel good. Please touch me and make me cum.� She moaned and rubbed her body against Mr. Thompson�s. She looked up at him with blurry red eyes and tried to smile. Rhonda was still eager to get fucked.

Mr. Thompson�s face turned dark red from rage. Unable to hold back his fury any longer, he spun Rhonda around and pulled both of her arms behind her. He lifted her wrists up high with one hand and bent her over the back of the same chair that she had just been tied to. Rhonda�s naked ass quivered in the air as she stood on her tiptoes with her face pushed into the seat of the chair. Mr. Thompson raised his hand to spank her.

�George, what are you doing?� Mrs. Thompson called from behind him.


�Owww! Owww! Owww!� Rhonda wailed helplessly as Mr. Thompson spanked Rhonda�s naked ass with his bare hand, right in front of his wife and son.


Rhonda could smell the scent of her pussy where she had been sitting. Her long blond hair dangled in the puddle of cum that Billy had left. Rhonda screamed in pain as her eyes began to water from the harsh and unexpected spanking.







�George, stop it! You�re hurting her!� Mr. Thompson�s wife yelled as she grabbed his arm.

�Let go of me Gina! This girl needs to be taught a lesson.�

George Thompson shrugged off his wife�s hand and continued Rhonda�s spanking.


�I�ll teach you to smoke pot and drink in my house!�


�You filthy little whore, I�ll teach you to have sex in my bed.�


�Owwwww!!!� �Owwwwww!!!� �That hurts, stop it!� Rhonda moaned, as her ass was bright red.


�Ohhh..mmmmm� Please stop!�


She was crying now from the pain of her burning ass cheeks. Joey watched in fascination as the cheerleader�s pretty little ass wiggled and squirmed in an effort to avoid his dad�s firm hand. He grinned, as there was no escape. Rhonda�s buttocks were red all over and her thighs were trembling. Joey could see her tight little cunt quivering between her legs with every swat. He licked his lips and rubbed himself inadvertently through his pants. Joey turned to look at Billy and realized his friend was already gone. Billy had taken the opportunity to depart while everyone�s attention was focused on the naked girl getting spanked. Joey looked out the window and saw the gang drive off.

�George, stop it. You�ve done enough! Let her go!�

Mrs. Thompson was again pleading with her husband. She didn�t grab his arm this time. She stood in front of them and begged him to stop. Finally Mr. Thompson had released enough of his rage. He ended the poor girl�s humiliation and let her go. Rhonda slumped to the floor, naked and sobbing. She rubbed her sore ass and then curled up into a ball. Her hair was wet and sticky from cum as it dangled in her face. She held one arm over her breasts and put her other hand over her pussy in an attempt to cover herself up. She was afraid to look up at Mr. Thompson as he continued to berate her. She just wanted to be left alone.

�I hope you�ve learned your lesson, you little slut. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for what you�ve done. Having sex in front of my boys. What a disgrace. I lost all my respect for you. I used to think you were a good young lady. But now I see you�ve become nothing but a whore who can�t keep her clothes on. You can forget about being paid for tonight. I ought to turn you in to the police for corrupting minors and doing drugs. I�m going to tell your father about this. He�ll probably tan your hide some more when you get home. Now get the hell out of here!�

Rhonda cried bitterly. She hadn�t done anything wrong and now her life was ruined. She had been bound, drugged, abused, and nearly raped. Then she had been humiliated by being spanked naked in front of everyone. She couldn�t believe they actually blamed her. She just wanted this nightmare to end.

�P-P-P-lease�� she sobbed. �P-P-lease Mr. Thompson� I ��

She looked up at him with tears streaming down her pretty face. Her cum soaked hair framing her flushed cheeks. Her lips trembled as she tried to speak.

�Please� I didn�t��

Mr. Thompson glared down at her with disgust still on his face.

�I said get out! Grab your clothes and get out of here. I don�t want you around my boys ever again.�

Rhonda�s shoulders shook as she cried bitterly. She looked around the room through tear filled eyes and searched for her clothes. She had no idea where they ended up. Mrs. Thompson noticed her plight and took pity on her. She went into the bedroom and found Rhonda�s clothes on the floor. She gathered them up and brought them out to Rhonda.

�Here you go honey, you left them in the bedroom. George, you and Joey go check on Michael. I�ll help Rhonda get herself together.�

Mr. Thompson turned away from the girl. He was still angry about what he thought went on. Joey was staring at Rhonda�s jiggling tits as Mrs. Thompson helped Rhonda to her feet. Mr. Thompson grabbed Joey�s arm and pulled him away from the show.

�Let�s go, I want to have a word with you too boy.�

Mrs. Thompson helped Rhonda get dressed.

�Are you OK? I�m sorry for the way my husband treated you. He gets really angry sometimes.�

Rhonda sniffled a weak reply, �Please, just let me go home.�

Mrs. Thompson nodded and gave her a pat on the shoulder.

�It�ll be all right, just go home and get some sleep. Thanks for all your help.�

Rhonda just stared at the floor as she walked stiffly out the door. She saw another car pull in the driveway and park behind her car. It was Jason. He got out of the car and walked towards her. Rhonda hesitated. She had waited so long to be this close with the boy of her dreams. But now a part of her blamed him for everything that just happened. It was his video and bondage material the boys had found. She looked up at him as he drew close. She saw him staring at her large breasts with the same look that Joey did earlier. Rhonda burst into tears again and pushed past him. She ran to her car and drove off as quickly as she could. Her life had been devastated.

Saturday 7 November 2020

Bondage gag sexy lady


 I am not sure when it all started. I suppose it started as games that kids play. I can remember at the age of 12 or 13 playing Cowboys and Indians, or Pirates, or Gangsters or other such games. My friends and I would make up such games and play with earnest. We would choose up sides and wage war on each other, capture members of the other side, tie the captive up and pretend to torture them until the game was over. When I was about 13, my step-sister Rebekah, who was 11, wanted to play. She was a real cutie, but this was a boy's game and we weren't sure we wanted her to get in the way. She kept begging us to be allowed to play. Well, I finally gave in. As the games progressed, it seemed that she was always the captive. She was captured by pirates, Indians, outlaw cowboys, or gangsters. She would end up with her hands tied behind her back and was tortured until she was rescued or the game ended. It seemed that she spent a great deal of time in a bound condition. Tortures were in the form of mild spankings and Rebekah being bound in various and strenuous positions. She seemed to enjoy the action and was a willing captive. As time went on, and our games advanced, the bondage became more varied and strenuous, and the tortures became more painful. Rebekah would find herself tied, gagged, and mildly whipped or spanked. Rebekah never hesitated to be a captive.

As Rebekah grew older, her body began to blossom. Her black hair, blue eyes, and creamy skin looked great. In a bathing suit it was readily apparent that she had a nice pair of breasts, a tight ass and a great pair of legs. My friends were beginning to notice that Rebekah was a beautiful girl. It was all I could do to keep them in line. The fact that she loved wearing short shorts and miniskirts made her all that more appealing. I have to admit that there were many times when I looked at her, and especially when we were playing captive games, I was more than a little aroused, and spent a great deal of time trying to hide an erect cock.

One day when Rebekah was 13, almost 14, she was reading a book in which the heroine was captured by gangsters, and was tortured to reveal information on a rival gang. The bad guys undressed their beautiful captive, bound her and whipped her body. Other tortures were used as well as sexual abuse, including rape. I am not sure where she found this adult pocket book, but she brought it to me, her pretty blue eyes wide with questions. I read the book that afternoon. It was very exciting, and a turn on. After reading the book, I gave the book back to Rebekah.

"Is that what happens to girl captives, in real life," she asked?

"Well, yes, that is true," I stuttered.

"Wow, was all she said.

Rebekah thought for a minute, and continued, "So if we were to really play our games for real, then that is what would happen to me."

I swallowed hard, "Well, I suppose so."

She looked at me with a serious face, "In the book, it seems that the men who were kidnapping her were really turned on with what they did to her. They liked torturing her, and making her do sexual things. Would you find that to be a turn on for you?" Now what do I do. There were many times, especially after her sweet little body began to mature, that I would have loved to take her capture and torture to a higher level. But, she was my sister, and I had heard all the sermons about incest, so I did not. I have to admit when I placed her in bondage during our games, there were many times that I had an erection that was formidable. I looked at Rebekah, trying to give a politically correct answer.

"Well, yes, I suppose I was turned on. You're my sister and I have always been told that I should not have those feelings."

"Would you like to do to me what those gangsters did to her? Would you like for me to be your prisoner to tie up and abuse with sex, she asked?

Now, I did not know what to say. I thought for a minute or two, and then replied. "Look, you're my sister. I love you and I love our games. I do not want to do anything that would stop us from having the fun games we play." I hoped that answer would defuse the situation.

Rebekah pick up her book, and replied, "Thanks." She left to go to her room, and read some more of the book. I was glad for her to leave me alone, because my rigid cock was aching to be released from my trousers. The problem was that we had talked about playing another game the next morning. Jerry and Carl, my two best friends were to come over and we were going to be gangsters and kidnap Rebekah. I did not know what to do. Rebekah had opened a big can of worms, literally. I spent a restless night, thinking about the conversation I had with her, and how much I would love to take our capture game to a higher, sexual, level.

Early the next morning, my hard working parents were off to work as usual. It was summer, and we were out of school. I was down stairs eating breakfast when Rebekah came down. She was wearing her bikini bathing suit. It was a delightful bit of nothing. My father had complained that it showed too much of her body, but my mother prevailed after Rebekah said that all the girls were wearing suits like that. I have to admit that it showed her off to a wonderful advantage. It was not a thong, but it sure came close. There was no doubt about how her sweet luscious body had blossomed.

"Good morning, I greeted, and then asked, "You're going to spend the morning around the pool?"

"Yeah, I thought I would," she replied.

"Well, be careful, some gangsters might kidnap you and hold you for ransom."

"You've got to catch me first," she grinned.

My cock leaped in my pants. It was all I could do to swallow my bite of toast. After breakfast, I called Jerry and Carl and told them our game was off, and we would do it later. I had a plan that did not include them. Reluctantly, they agreed to the postponement. As I hung up the phone, I looked out at the pool and saw that Rebekah was already on a deck lounge, sunning herself. She lying on her stomach and had unhooked her bikini top so there would be no tan line on her back. Her bikini top was lying loose under her body. You could see the sides of her breasts as they were pressed against the lounge cushion. Her bikini bottom was tucked neatly into the sweet crevice of her beautiful ass. Her arms were down at her sides. I could not resist. Quickly, I ran up stairs, changed into my swim trunks and retrieved several strands of rope from my athletic bag. I kept the rope hidden there for our captive games. As I passed my dresser, I picked out some handkerchiefs. In the past I had used these pieces of cotton material to gag Rebekah when she was a prisoner I eased out the back door and with as much stealth as I possessed, I quietly sneaked up behind Rebekah. In a second I was on her, grabbing her wrists and jerking them behind her. Quickly, I tightly bound her wrists together behind her back. As she struggled, I used a second piece of rope to tightly bind her elbows. She was supple, so it was possible to bind her arms to make her elbows touch in the small of her back. Now she was helpless. My cock was raging.

"Heath, my top is loose. It lying under me! Turn me loose so I can put my top on. Then I will surrender to you!" she exclaimed!

"No way, prisoner. In real life you would not be able to do it. You are my captive and this is for real. You have just been kidnapped. You'll just have to stay like you are!"

Rebekah opened her mouth to protest. As she did so, I stuff a wadded up handkerchief into her sweet lips, effectively gagging her. A second handkerchief was quickly and tightly wrapped around her head and tied off to hold the gag wadding in her mouth. Now she was bound and silenced. I got off Rebekah and looked down at my handy work. With pleading, yet excited eyes, Rebekah looked over her shoulder at me. Her eyes went down to my swim trunks where the bulge from my cock was obvious. I leaned down and grasped her strained shoulders, and turned her over onto her back. I stopped breathing for a moment. I was amazed at her breasts. They were substantial, and magnificent. With her elbows tied behind her back, they seemed to be enlarged, pushing off her chest. They were rising a falling with her agitated breathing. Rebekah was magnificent. "Lets go in the house, prisoner. You've been kidnapped, and I am going to torture you until you are ransomed!"

I pulled her to her feet. Picking up her abandoned bikini top, I forced her toward the house. As she walked I watched her breasts jiggle. She was amazing. My cock was threatening to explode. Rebekah kept looking at me, but at no time did she try to struggle or get away from me. The look in her eyes was one of arousal. As we walked, with me tightly holding her forearm, she would look down at my swim trunks, and the obvious bulge there.

Once we were in the house, I escorted her into the family room. I stood her in front of the couch, while I stood behind her. I could not resist. I pulled her back into my chest and ran my arms around her, with my hands grasping her breasts. They felt as good as they looked. Her nipples were rigid and the texture of her creamy breasts was of the finest silk. I could feel my cock pushing against her ass and bound hands. She did not try to move her hands, in fact, she feebly rubbed her hands against my cock, as well as she could with her wrists and arms bound the way they were. She did not try to struggle or get away from my ministrations. I moved my hands down from her breasts, down her smooth belly to her bikini covered pussy. It was hot, and her bikini bottom was moist. The fragile bit a material was held by thing straps, tied in bows at her delicious hips. "Prisoner, you have too many clothes on," I announced. I grasped the ties to her bikini bottom, and pulled on them, untying the knots. The bikini bottom fell to the carpet, leaving Kerri a totally naked and bound prisoner. As I touched her pussy lips, she sighed deeply behind her gag, and leaned back against me. Her breathing quickened. I turned her around to face me. I hugged her tight, pressing her firm breasts against me chest. "Prisoner, you have been kidnapped. You are mine until someone ransoms you. While we are waiting for that ransom, I am going to torture you." I lead her to the couch, where I sat down. I pulled her down across my lap to a spanking position. Rebekah did not struggle. "Slave, I am going to spank you so you will know you are my captive." I started to spank her deliciously tight ass. My hand prints became obvious as I continued her torture. Rebekah squirmed, in doing so she was feeling my rigid cock pushing against her belly. After she began to whimper and cry through her gag, I stopped the spanking and began rubbing her enflamed ass. I allowed my hand to slip between her legs and touch her steaming pussy. She was soaking wet. I delved into her pussy, exploring this wonderful facility. Rebekah began to moan and moved with my movement. As I increased my manipulations, she started hump against my hand to moan loudly. Finally, her body stiffened and trembled as she had a climax. She could not stop. She just kept humping my hand. Her pretty little bound hands seemed to be reaching out to an invisible lover. When she settled down, I picked her up and sat her on the couch beside me. Now was an opportunity to fully explore her wonderful breasts. I spent several minutes pinching and twisting her nipples, and in general exploring her magnificent tits. Rebekah just laid her head back on the head of the couch and closed her eyes, lost in the feeling of having her breasts teased. I could hear her heavy breathing and soft moaning from behind her gag. It was time to move onto other things. I had an aching cock that needed attention. I had watched a particular bondage porno movie, and wanted to try something I had seen on that tape. I got off the couch, and made Rebekah move to the center cushion. Using some more rope, I tightly tied a strand of rope around each of her delightful ankles. I then made her slide her sweet ass to the edge of the couch. Using a couch cushion behind her back, she was now in a semi reclining position, with her pussy right at the edge, almost off, the couch. Using the ankle ropes, I spread her legs, widely, and tied the ropes to the corner legs of the couch. Now Rebekah was fully exposed, with her legs spread and her pussy open and vulnerable. I could see her bound hands pinned under her ass. She was totally helpless; watching with interest, already guessing what was going to happen to her. When I acquired the rope from my athletic bag, I also retrieved a small whip that I had made. It was made of leather shoe laces, the kind that you find in your hiking boots. I had made a whip with thongs about eight inches long. I had thought this whip would be good for whipping Rebekah's breasts. Now, I could see other possibilities. Her hot exposed pussy seemed to be begging for abuse. I reached down on the floor, where I had dropped the whip, and brought it up to use on Rebekah.

I sat next to her, and began stroking her soft inner thighs and pussy lips. This aroused Rebekah. She closed her eyes and was softly moaning behind her gag. Then unexpectedly, I raise the little whip and brought it down onto her exposed pussy. Her eyes popped open and she looked down to see what was stinging her most private area. She watched as I continued to whip here pussy. After a few stroke she started to struggle. I stopped, and again started to stroke and massage her cunt. She relaxed and enjoyed the pleasure. Again I whipped her pussy. Rebekah emotions were rampant. The pain and pleasure were mixing into one very hot experience. This continued on for about ten minutes. Finally, I stopped whipping her pussy. Her nether lips were swollen and red from the abuse. I stood up, and dropping my swim trunks to the floor, I exposed my rampaging cock. Rebekah's eyes went straight to it, and just stared. She was magnificent. My beautiful hot sister was magnificent. She continued to watch as I stroked it. As I watched, her, she trembled with excitement. I dropped to my knees, and leaned forward to kiss her pussy. It tasted wonderful. I ran my tongue over its swollen silky surface. Rebekah was looking down, watching my every move. She moaned loudly as I placed my mouth to her sweet pussy lips and ran my tongue inside. She jerked and moaned even louder as my tongue flicked her sensitive clit. Within a matter of seconds, she was humping my face, cumming with a powerful force. As she was coming, I again used the short leather whip to abuse her pussy. It seemed that Rebekah was taken to an even higher climax with the pain of the whip. As she was still moving with her climax, I knelt up and placed my cock against her abused pussy lips. As I started to push my heated member into her sweet pussy, she opened her eyes with surprise. She looked down at my cock and her pussy, and realized that for the first time in her life, she was about to be fucked! I pushed in a couple of times, and then pushed harder when I broke her hymen. She stiffened, but relaxed as I kept fucking her.

Rebekah's pussy was hot and tight. I had never felt anything so wonderful. As I moved my cock in and out of her, it seemed that her pussy was grabbing me, squeezing my cock, trying to hold it in her. I was in a world of my own making, and it was explosive. Even in her stringently bound position, Rebekah tried to meet my thrusts into her cunt. I looked at her sweet gagged face as she absorbed the feeling of my cock in her pussy. She was totally surrendered to what was happening to her. To add a little pain element to this scene, as I was fucking her, I was also gently slapping her breasts. They bounced and trembled ever so beautifully. I kept watching her reaction. I wanted to cum with her. This was difficult, as my cock was ready to explode. In a short time, I could tell she was rapidly approaching her climax, so I just let mine go. My climax felt so good I thought I could die. My scalding cum pushed her over the edge, and she had another climax. We both just kept humping each other. It seemed to last for an eternity. Finally, I collapsed on her breasts with my cock buried in her sweet pussy. I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly as I kissed and sucked her nipples. We both stayed connected for the next few minutes. Finally, I pulled my cock from her, realizing that I was still very aroused, and my cock had not receded! I decided to take advantage of this.

I reached down and untied Rebekah's ankles, allowing her to close her legs. She was slow to do so. It was as if she wanted more of what she had just received. I took her from the couch, and placed her on her knees on the carpet in front of the couch. I then seated myself on the couch in front of Rebekah, with my legs spread on each side of her. My erect cock was mere inches from her face. I pulled her to me and kissed her on her gagged mouth."Prisoner, you have been tortured, but it continues. No one has ransomed you, so you will pay the price, I asserted. I am going to take your gag from your mouth, but you are not to say a word, or you will be severely punished, and the gag goes back in!" Rebekah nodded her head as I leaned forward and untied the handkerchief holding the wadded cloth in Rebekah's mouth. As I removed the gag from her sweet lips, I spoke to her again."Not one word. I order you to kiss the tip of my cock."

Rebekah acted as if she was going to say something, but instead placed a wet French kiss on the tip of my cock, tickling it with her tongue. Without being told to, she kissed it a second time. "Now, Prisoner, take my cock into your mouth and suck it!"

Rebekah, leaned forward to my cock, and just before she took it into her sweet mouth, she quietly uttered, "Heath, I love you." She then slipped her mouth over my cock. She wasn't very experienced, but she had seen a couple of porno movies and she mimicked what she had seen. She sucked and lashed the tip of my cock with her tongue. It was is if she liked the taste of it and wanted to lick it all. It was more than I could stand. In a very short time I was cumming in her mouth. Out of instinct she started to swallow all of my issue. I was lost in a whirlpool of lust. I could see her, but I was in the ozone. I continued to hump, fucking her face, her beautiful sweet face. I had never felt that way in my life. No girl had turned me on like my own sister. In a very real sense, I loved her as my lover. Finally, I stopped cumming. Rebekah kept my cock in her mouth until it receded. The whole time she was licking and gently sucking on it. It was one of the most wonderful feelings I had ever experienced. Slowly, I let my softening cock slip from her mouth. I leaned forward and kissed her. She kissed back, ever so passionately. I helped her up from the floor, and sat her on the couch beside me. With one arm around her, and the other squeezing her breasts, I kissed her again, and told her I loved her.

"Heath, I love you. I love you so very much."

I asked if she were angry with me for kidnapping her.

"I was surprised, but, I love being your prisoner. Now, I really love it, now that it is for real," Rebekah replied dreamily. She continued, "Is this what is going to happen when we play our captive games?"

Smiling, I replied, "Yeah, I think so. I want to do it for real, and this is the way to do it." I paused for a moment, and asked, "You're tied really tight. Do you want me to untie you?"

Rebekah smiled. "Only if you want to. I know you like this, and you did kidnap me, so it is up to you."

"Well, sweet sister of mine, if that is the way you feel, and then I am going to do it all of the time. You are going to be my permanent prisoner and sex slave. Even if you refuse, I will tie you up, torture you, and fuck you, anyway. Every chance I get, you will be my prisoner slave. You will have no choice. What do you have to say about that," I replied?

"Heath, I love you," Rebekah smiled and gently leaned over and kissed my cock.

Kidnapping Rebekah - Part two

I have to admit that my new relationship with my step-sister Rebekah was exciting. I had taken our captive games to a new and exciting level. Kidnapping and fucking my sister had to one of most defining moments in my life. We were now in love with each other, and in love with what we were doing. I should point out that Rebekah was on the pill. Our mother had put her on the pill shortly after Rebekah's thirteenth birthday.

Rebekah and I had our own bedrooms, but we shared a common bathroom, which was between both bedrooms. It was a walk through bathroom with each bedroom having a door to the room. When one of us was using it, we would merely close the door to the other person's bedroom. This was to change. Rebekah was now my beautiful little naked sex slave. Every chance we got, she would end up being tied in a way to make her helpless and vulnerable to my sexual advances. She seemed to live for those moments when she was helpless to me. I would allow her privacy when she had to use the bathroom, but I ordered the doors open when she bathed or was fixing her hair or makeup. Further, I made sure she was always naked in the bathroom so I could see her. It was exciting. If our parents were gone, we would shower together. That would almost always result in hot love making in one of our beds. I would not allow Rebekah to be dressed when we were alone. It seemed that we were completely absorbed with her sexual slavery. We didn't even pretend to play the captive games. We were doing it for real. Rebekah would be tied, whipped, tormented, and sexually abused as a matter of course. We looked for any excuse to play with each other. Our parents never figured out what was happening, they just enjoyed the fact that their two children got along so well. I had to be very careful not to leave any obvious marks on Rebekah body that might betray our new relationship.

One afternoon, about a month after I had made Rebekah my sex slave, just after her fourteenth birthday, Rebekah asked me a question. We had just finished a little session. I had made her strip, after which I tied her hands behind her back. It seemed that her elbows were the next logical thing to bind as it forced her breasts out from her chest, exhibiting them very prominently. She has magnificent breasts that begged to be displayed and touched. I had made her put on a pair of my mother's high heel shoes, and required her to pose in front of me, in various revealing positions. The high heel shoes made her nice legs more shapely, and forced her ass to so stick out more. I loved this addition to her nakedness, and she seemed proud of the change. After showing herself off to me, I lay down on my bed and made her to straddle me, impaling her pussy on my rampant cock. I made her ride my cock to a climax as I slapped her breasts. After she came back from the ozone, I ordered her to suck me to a climax. I released her wrists and arms and had her lay beside me on my bed. I had my arm under and around her as she put her head on my shoulder. Her delicate little hand was stroking my semi-hard cock. We were basking in the afterglow of a wonderful bondage and sex session. Rebekah moved her head up so she could kiss me on the cheek. I kissed her back and gave her breast a squeeze. "Heath, I love what we are doing. Can we do it forever?"

Smiling, I replied, "I sure hope so. I love us, and I love what we are doing."

Rebekah was quiet for a moment, and then asked, "What are you telling Jerry and Carl. They used to play captured games with us all the time. Since you made me your sex slave, we have not seen them."

I thought for a moment, "Well, I guess I have been too busy with you, and just us. They have been asking when we are going to get together again, and when will we play our capture games. I have been stalling them."

Rebekah asked, "Why? They have got to be wondering what is wrong."

Now, I was not sure how to answer her. But, I tried, "Well, now we are playing capture for real. When you are tied, you are stripped, tortured for real, and raped, and sexually abused. I love it. I don't want to change that. It would be very difficult for me to play our capture games and not do it for real." She was quiet, and I continued, "I had thought, that if we are really going to keep doing this for real, and not just playing around like we used to do, that I could allow them to join in and make it real for them, too." Rebekah remained quiet, and waited for me to continue. I was not sure what I wanted to say, but made an attempt to make sense of my thoughts. "If you are really my sex slave, then you would have to agree. Of course, if you did not want to be my sex slave, then we would quit playing our games for real, and go back to what we did when we were little kids."

Rebekah squeezed my now erect cock and answered, "Heath, please, I don't want to quit being your sex slave. I really love you and what we are doing. I don't want to give it up."

"Well, what should I do," I asked?

Rebekah paused, "Oh, Heath, I don't know what to say. I just don't have an answer." She remained quiet for a moment, "I don’t know, Heath. I love you. I will do what you want me to do." I am sure my cock leaped in her tight grip. My hear skipped a beat. I could not believe Rebekah was telling me to do whatever I wanted to do to her. I hugged and kissed her. Rolling her on her back, I climbed above her and slipped my rigid cock into her sweet pussy. In a matter of a minute or two we both we coming with each other.

Carl was the only one of my two best friends in town. Jerry and his parents were in Seattle. Jerry's father worked for a company that was transferring him to that city. Now they were there looking for a new house to buy. I decided not to include Jerry in our expanded capture games with Rebekah. I invited Carl to come over the next morning for play the game. He readily accepted.

After our parents went to work, I instructed Rebekah to get dressed. She had a bikini ensemble that was perfect. The top was very revealing, just covering part of her breasts. The bottom was just a little more than a thong. There was a pleated matching mini skirt that matched the bikini. It could be worn away from the pool area, hiding the wearers nearly exposed buttocks. I had her wear this outfit, along with a pair of my mother's black patent leather high heels. She was absolutely stunning. My cock was ready to leap from my trousers. After Rebekah completed her makeup, I bound her wrists behind her, and again with the elbow ropes. I loved this tie as it made her breasts even more magnificent. I kissed her, and placed a gag of stuff handkerchief in her mouth, tightly securing it with another handkerchief which was tied around her face and head. Rebekah looked incredible. Before Carl arrived, I had Rebekah parade and pose for me. I was wondering how Carl would react to the advancement of our capture games. Rebekah seemed nervous, yet there was an excitement in her eyes that told me she was ready to obey me.

Carl arrived about fifteen minutes later. I placed Rebekah in the closet in the hallway next to the family room. Carl arrived, and I explained the new rules of the game. "Here's the deal. First, if you repeat anything about what we are going to do this morning, you will never be allowed to play our games with me and Rebekah again. Do you swear to never say anything about this to anyone, ever?"

Carl looked at me, questioningly. "Yeah, man, I promise. This sounds mysterious."

"Well," I replied. "It is serious. In the past when we play capture or kidnap games, we played for pretend. If we had kidnapped Rebekah for real, then we would have done anything we wanted to her. We held back because it was only a game."

Carl looked even more confused. "What does that mean, for real."

I tried to make him understand. "Hey, man, you've read books about what happens to a girl or woman when she is kidnapped or captured. The gangsters and bad guys do what they want with the woman. Those guys were not pretending. That was for real."

"Does that mean we are going to kidnap Rebekah, for real, and really do things to here? he asked.

"Yeah that's what I mean. I decided to quit playing games, and do it for real. Rebekah has submitted."

Carl's eyes were wide with wonderment. "Wow! Man, that's heavy."

"O.K., remember, she is my sister, and I am in control. I will decide how much and what we do. O.K.?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say," he said. His mouth seemed dry from anticipation, and already I could detect a bulge in his trousers.

"O.K., have a seat on the couch, and we will get started. I have already kidnapped Rebekah, and tied her up. I will get her, and we will get started." Carl sat down and watched me walk to the hall closet, and open the door. He was even more amazed when I brought a helplessly bound and fantastically costumed Rebekah from the closet. I led her into the family room as Carl watched with amazement and lust written all over his face.

I slapped Rebekah's tight ass and ordered her to pose and parade around for Carl. She was amazing, and Carl was awestruck. He could not take his eyes off her.

"Carl," I said, "Our captive is a wealthy woman, and I have kidnapped her for ransom. No one has paid the ransom, so I have decided that we will torture her until the ransom is paid." I untied the strings holding the bikini top on Rebekah, and the top fell to the floor. Carl was speechless. I reached around Rebekah and grasped her breasts, squeezing and pinching them. "Prisoner, since no one has paid your ransom, you will pay the price," I said. Rebekah just moaned behind her gag.

I reached down and removed the mini skirt. Turning Rebekah around and making her face me, I hugged her to me, pressing her breasts against my chest. I gave her sweet ass several swats, and then removed her bikini bottom, leaving her standing there bound, gagged, and wearing only a pair of high heel shoes. My handprints were obvious on her ass. Carl was dumbstruck. "Prisoner, go to my friend and let him examine you." I grasped Rebekah's bound wrists and pushed her to where Carl was sitting. Her breast jiggled as she walked to where Carl was. "Prisoner, lean over, and offer your breasts to my friend", I ordered. Rebekah bent over and offered her breasts. Carl was quick to take them into his hands, kneading them and teasing her nipples. After a few moments of this, I ordered her to turn about and offer her ass for inspection. This she did with aplomb. Carl was quick to seize this opportunity to feel and stroke a magnificent ass. He even gave her a few substantial slaps on her bottom. Finally, I ordered her to face Carl, and spread her legs, exposing her pussy. Carl grasped her Venus Mons. He toyed with her nether lips and inserted his finger into her heated passage. Rebekah started to moan and move her hips slightly. I stepped up behind her and pulled her back into my chest, to support her. I cupped her breasts and played with them as Carl was busy rummaging through her pussy. Rebekah was absorbed in what was happening to her. Her bound hands found my rigid cock and was stroking it as well as she could, considering her stringent bondage. After Carl had thoroughly inspected my beautiful sister, I led her and Carl to my parent's bedroom. They had a wonderful old four poster bed. I placed Rebekah on her knees, with her back against one of the bedposts. Using several strands of rope, I tied her to the post. She could not squirm, or wriggle loose. Next I blindfolded her. She knelt there, naked and bound to the bedpost while Carl and I undressed. I picked up the small leather whip I made to use on Rebekah's breasts. Now was an opportune time."Prisoner, I said with authority, "No one has ransomed you, so you will now pay the price." I removed the gag from her pretty mouth, and allowed her to breath fresh air through her mouth. She did so with relish.

"Prisoner, there is a dick in front of you face. You are to kiss it, and tell me if it is mine, or Carl's. If you are wrong, you will receive five strokes of the whip across each tit, for a total of ten lashes." I stepped up and put my cock to her lips. Rebekah kissed it, and tickled the tip with her pretty pink tongue. I then had Carl step up and do the same. Rebekah treated his cock in the same manner. Carl closed his eyes. He was caught up in the moment. At least he did not moan, giving Rebekah a clue whose cock she was kissing. "Now, prisoner, whose cock was first and whose cock was second? Was it the same cock, or were they different cocks?"

Rebekah paused for a moment or two, the almost whispering, replied. "Sir, the first one was Carl's. In fact I think both kisses were on Carl's cock."

"Cunt, you are wrong on both counts. The first was my cock. For that mistake, since it was two questions, you will receive ten strokes on each tit." Rebekah bit her lip and trembled slightly. I picked up the whip, and brought it down sharply on her right breast, followed by a similar lash on her left breast. Rebekah tried to struggle, but she was too well tied. After five lashes on each breast, she was beginning to moan and attempt to avoid the lash. The next ten lashes were delivered by Carl. He loved this torturing her for cereal. His cock was rampant. He was in a fantasy world that was beyond his wildest imaginations. "Prisoner," I said. "Now you will take each cock into your mouth. Again, tell me whose cock you are sucking. Fail, and you will pay the penalty." I had Carl put his cock in Rebekah's mouth. I allowed her to suck it for about 20 seconds. Then quietly I stepped up and put my cock in her mouth. She sucked it vigorously for about 20 seconds. When asked, she said she thought the first was mine, and second cock was Carl's. Wrong again! Again her breasts suffered another ten lashes each. By the end of the last lash, she was gently sobbing. I let her regain her composure, and pressed on. "Prisoner, you have failed miserably. In order to help you out, you will have a cock placed in your mouth. You will suck it and make that cock cum in your mouth. Based on that, you will tell me whose cock you have just sucked."

"Yes sir," was Rebekah's whispered reply. I had Carl put his cock in her mouth. I was sure he had never been sucked off, and today was the day he lost that virginity! Carl was in heaven. Rebekah was working on his cock, while Carl was practically fucking her face. In just a matter of a minute he was cumming. He climax was so great that Rebekah could not swallow all of his issue. A small amount trickled from the corner of her mouth.

"Now, prisoner, who cock as that?"

"Sir, I think it was Carl's cock sir."

"Well, very good, prisoner. Just for that, I will reward you with a good fucking. Would you like that? I asked.

"Yes sir, I would like that. Thank you," Rebekah replied. I untied her from the bedpost, an escorted her to my bedroom. I put her in the middle of my bed, with her arms still bound and pinned under her. Leaving the blindfold in place, I got on the bed and entered her sweet pussy. She was hot. He pussy was a scalding caldron of female juices. She was a delight to fuck. Carl stood on the side and voiced encouragements.

"Hey, man, fuck that beautiful sister. Man, she's hot." I noticed that his cock was rigid and ready to go again. After I finished fucking Rebekah, I let Carl get on her, and fuck her with his rampant cock. Rebekah was humping Carl as he ravished her. She kept experiencing one climax after another. Finally, Carl had a massive cum, and collapsed on Rebekah. It took both of them a while to come back from the ozone. After we had rested, we returned to the family room and sat on the couch. Rebekah was ordered to get on her knees, and use her newly released hands to stroke each of her tormentors to another erection, suck each cock, the use her hand to Heath each cock to a climax. This she did. She seemed to love what we did to her, and loved playing with each cock. It was time for Carl to go. He kept hugging and kissing Rebekah. It seemed that he could not get enough of her. He promised to return soon and play more games.

After Carl left, I had Rebekah sit next to me on the couch. As usual, I had my arm around her, stroking her breasts, while she was stroking my relaxed cock. We talked about what had just happened. She told me she had enjoyed the afternoon, even though she was very apprehensive at first. "Sis, do you still want to be my sex slave and naked prisoner?" I asked.

"Heath, my big brother, I really love you. I love what you do to me, and let me do to you. I want to be your sex slave, and your prisoner. I don't want that to ever stop. I will do what you want me to do." I hugged Rebekah, and kissed her for the longest time. Yes, I was in love with my sister. No other woman could ever make me feel like this. I was not sure what the future held for us, but I wanted Rebekah in my future, as my lover, prisoner, and I want to her to have my children.

Kidnapping Rebekah - Part Three

Being young, horny and virtually in love with my beautiful sister, I found that every time I saw her or got close to her, my cock would rear its lusty head. I was turned on, constantly. Rebekah must have felt the same way, as she was always ready for whatever I wanted to do. I really loved Rebekah, and I especially loved the Bondage captive/kidnap games we played. When we were alone, however, it was not a game. It was becoming a way of life. It seemed natural that Rebekah would be restrained and helpless, being subjected to some type of sexual torment and sexual abuse.

On one occasion, sometime after letting Carl become part of our real captive activities, I expanded his roll. Rebekah was about to turn 16, and I wanted to expand her sexual slavery. By now I had read several adult novels on the subject, including "The Story of O". I realized that there was a whole world of people who were into this type of activity. I required Rebekah to read these books, and I even gave her written tests, requiring her to give her orally.

She was required to strip, get on her knees, and while stroking my exposed cock, she was to tell me in great, and graphic detail the contents of the book. She would describe in graphic detail, to her big brother, about how the heroine was imprisoned and the vary sex acts she was subjected to by her captors, how she was restrained, and how she was tortured. Rebekah would then be asked how she reacted to what she had read. She worked hard at being specific. She knew it was a turn on for me, and for her. After reciting the details of the book, she would be spanked for any mistakes she made, and then was soundly fucked as a finally. I am convinced that book clubs would experience a surge in their attendance if they required book reading like I did of Rebekah. On several occasions, I would restrain Rebekah in the same manner as the heroine in the adult book, torture and use her sexually in the same way as described in the book. This required Rebekah to expound on what happened in the book, and then submit to whatever happened to the heroine.

On one occasion, I let Carl have Rebekah alone, all by himself, or so it would seem. I included Carl in our kidnap games, sometimes as often as once a week. During the games, Carl was allowed to bind, torment, and fuck Rebekah as much as he wanted. His cock was no stranger to her mouth. Carl even wanted to date Rebekah, I but I did not want that. Rebekah was my lover, and my sex slave, and I wanted it that way. Rebekah wanted the same thing. She was a willing participant in our kidnap games, but she wanted to be my lover, exclusively.

On this occasion, Carl's parents were gone overnight, leaving him home alone. I told Rebekah to dress in a mini skirt and blouse, with no underwear. By now she had been purchased a couple of pair of high heel shoes to wear for dress wear. She was instructed to put on a black pair of these high heel shoes, which better exhibited her great tanned legs. I then gave her a small athletic bag which contained a some of my collection of bondage equipment. Her next order was to walk across the street to Carl's house, and surrender to him., and submitted to whatever he wanted to do to her. She was apprehensive. I kissed and fondled her for a few minutes, and told her that she did not have to do this, but as my sex slave I expected her to do what I told her. She agreed to my request, and picked up the athletic bag, and headed across to Carl's house. After Rebekah was inside Carl's house, by arrangement, I sneaked in his back door. I wanted to secretly watch Rebekah as Carl put her through her paces. I wanted to see how she handled being a bound sex slave, alone, with someone other than me. Next, using a long length of rope, he quickly tied her hands in front of her. He then looped the rope through and eye bolt in the ceiling. This eye bolt normally supported a hanging pot and plants. He pulled on the rope, forcing Rebekah's hands above her head, stretching her towards the ceiling. He tied the rope off, forcing Rebekah to remain in this stretched position. Improvising, using a old broom stick, the tied Rebekah's ankles to the ends of the stick, spreading her magnificent legs. She was a picture of helpless beauty. Her legs, breasts, and especially are ass are displayed to advantage. Her smooth belly was stretched tight, with her sweet pussy on display. "Prisoner, open your mouth," was Carl's next order. Rebekah saw the he had gagging material. She issued an helpless sigh, and opened her mouth. Quickly, Carl stuffed a wadded handkerchief in her mouth, securing it tightly with one of his mother's black silken scarves. This just made Rebekah look even more helpless, vulnerable, and beautiful. As I watched, my cock was rampant. I removed my pants to ease the painful pressure on my dick. I gently stroked myself as I watch Carl work on Rebekah. Once she was secured and gagged, Carl undressed. His cock stuck straight from his body. There was a glistening drip of pre-cum on the tip and throbbed with his heart beat. He moved to Rebekah, hugging her and pulling her into his body. He pressed his stiff cock against her stomach, leaving a trail of pre-cum moisture there. It seemed that he was attempting to fondle all of her at once. He hands were everywhere. He was kissing her gagged face, and touching her stretched body, every where. Rebekah had closed her eyes, and was moaning, softly.

Carl, slipped his cock into Rebekah. She moaned loudly as this phallic invasion. Carl started to fuck her with abandon. It was if he was out of control and could not wait to put is cock in her pussy. As he fucked her, he was spanking her ass. Needless to say, in just a minute or two, he was cumming. Even though Rebekah was ready to cum, Carl came too quick and she was not able to get there. Needless to say, she was turned on, with no relief.

After coming down from his climax, he pulled his cock from her steaming pussy. Her eyes had a look of desperation as she wanted to have a cum too. She watched Carl, to see what he was doing to do. He cock was beginning to flag, just a little as he walked over to my athletic bag to retrieve a whip. In the last year or so, I was able to secure a professionally made whip that would sting and hurt, without leaving a lot of damage. It was ideal to use on Rebekah. She could feel the whip, yet not be significantly marked up. Carl brought the whip back to Rebekah, and walked around her, touching her body as he gently stroked her with the whip. Then he stood behind her, and with a determined look, he raised the whip and brought it down sharply on her magnificent ass. Rebekah jumped as much as she could given her stringent bondage, but before she could recover, he struck her again. She yelped from behind her gag as he struck again. Carl was in his stride. He lashed her ass at least 30 more strokes before he stopped. Rebekah was moaning, with tears running down her sweet face. Carl then walked around her, using the whip to randomly lash her breasts, pussy, and thighs. Rebekah never really knew where he would strike next. He loved watching her breasts quiver when they were struck. Her pussy seemed to be a favorite target, also. The fact that she was aroused, had been denied a cum, and was being whipped, only aroused her more. Carl's cock was rigid again. My cock was aching as I watched my pretty little sister being tortured and fucked. Carl laid the whip down, and released Rebekah's bondage on her wrists. This was only temporary as he quickly bound her wrists behind her back. Only then did he release her ankle bondage. He ordered Rebekah to her knees. After walking around her like a slave owner, he produce a black sleep mask from my athletic bag. Rebekah was effectively blindfolded. Carl then removed her gag, and gave her a drink of water.

"Prisoner, you are ordered to open your mouth, and keep it open. Do you hear me?"

Rebekah replied, meekly, "Yes sir, I understand."

"No matter what happens, you are not to close your mouth! He punctuated his order by lashing her across her breasts, twice. Rebekah moaned as she bit her lip. She then opened her sweet mouth just as she was told. Carl, quietly, turned and motioned me into the room. With as much stealth as I possessed, I came into the room and stood before the blindfolded Rebekah. My cock was hard and aching. Rebekah knelt there with her sweet mouth open to what ever Carl wanted to put in it. I eased up and slipped my cock into my sister's mouth. Instinctively, Rebekah closed her sweet lips around my cock and started sucking. Then she got a surprise.

Carl was standing behind her and spoke, "Rebekah, no matter what, keeping sucking the cock you have in your mouth." To emphasize he order, he spanked her, hard on each cheek of her ass with his hand. Rebekah, jumped when her ass was struck, but she kept my cock in her mouth, and kept sucking. She also realized that she was NOT sucking Carl's cock. She had a cock in her mouth, but did not know who it belonged to. As she sucked this strange cock, Carl kept slowly spanking her, just to let her know she was to kept sucking, or suffer worse treatment. She knew Carl was in control, and that her brother and protector was not with her. She had to submit and suck this stranger's cock. She was both afraid, and turn on at the same time.. Rebekah kept sucking, and I could not help myself. With what was happening to Rebekah, I was very aroused. In a matter of a couple of minutes, I was cumming wildly in Rebekah's mouth. As I did so, Carl, now using the whip, was lashing Rebekah's ass. "Prisoner," he exclaimed, "keep sucking, you had better swallow all his cum!" Rebekah worked hard at accomplishing Carl's order, and was able to swallow all my issue. Even after all this time, I was still in awe of seeing the pretty full lips of my beautiful sister wrapped around my cock. It was a beautiful sight. As my cock softened in her mouth, I let it slip out, and went back to my hiding place, and put my clothes on. I sneaked back out the rear door of Carl's house and went home. Later I learned that Carl had fucked Rebekah until she had a climax, then required her to clean his cock with her mouth, and suck him to another cum. He then released her to come home to me.

I was watching TV, a bondage porno flick, when Rebekah returned home. She came to me and gave me a passionate hug and kiss, but she was a little quiet. I had her sit on the couch beside me and I put my arm around her. Without being told, she opened her blouse exposing her breasts, after which she pulled up her skirt, exposing her pussy. She was a perfect little sex slave. She knew I liked her exposed, and had told her to expose herself to me at every opportunity. "Would you like me to be naked, or like this? she asked softly.

"Oh, for now, I think I like this. Just stay as your are. I like to see your tits exposed in an open blouse. They look good like that," I answered. I kissed her and toyed with her breasts. I had opened my trousers, and Rebekah extracted my cock, and was gently stroking it.

"You are very quiet. Are you alright?" I asked. Rebekah told me what had happened at Carl's, and how he had required her to suck a stranger's cock. She knew I wanted all the details of what had happened to her. I found it exciting to listen to her tell what had gone on, and how she was used.

"What did you do? Did you obey Carl," I inquired.

"Well yes, I did as I was told. He was whipping me, and I was tied, so I did what Carl told me to do."

"You know, that sex slaves are often made to do things that they dont expect, or even like. They dont have much choice," I explained.

"Heath, I know. I just was not expecting it. You're right, I love being your slave and I know I must do what you say, and what anyone who capture me says. I just did not expect it. I also wonder who the person was, and if he knows me," she wondered.

"Do you still want to be my love and sex slave?" I asked.

With a quiver in her voice and a tear in her eye, she answered, "Oh, yes. Heath, please, I want to be your love, and sex slave forever! I was just worried that you would be mad at me for sucking a stranger

s cock without permission, and not trying to resist. I thought you would have wanted me to resist, and since I didnt that, maybe you would not want me. I don't want to lose you and what we have!"

I smiled and kissed her, and replied, "No, I am not upset. I know you did what you were ordered to do, and you had no choice. I am sure it turned Carl on to make you do that, I know I would be. I like it when you submit to me, or anyone who has you in captivity. You will always be my love and my sex slave. I suppose you will have to get used to what ever you may be made to do." I continued, "You know, little sister, when you decided to be my sex slave, you agreed that I, or anyone I let kidnap you, can do anything they want to you, and you have no choice. If you resist, they can punish and rape you until you submit."

Rebekah snuggled into me, and squeezed my now rigid cock. With a tear in her eye, she looked up at me and said, "Oh, Heath, I love you. I am your sex slave, and I will do what you want me to do. I want you to want me to be your lover and sex slave, and to be happy to have me as your slave, but I really just want you to fuck, torture and do all those things to me and noone else."

I kissed her, and kissed her again. "Sweet slave, you are mine, and I will never let you go. You will be my lover and sex slave forever." I could not handle it any longer. I pushed her down on the couch, and lay down between magnificent her legs. I kissed the tears from her eye. She hugged me, and kept kissing me as I slipped my rampant cock into her sweet steaming pussy and fucked my beautiful sister. How could anyone ask for more than what Rebekah was offering me. I wanted her to be my sex slave and lover for the rest of our lives.

Kidnapping Rebekah-Part Four

I was happy in my small two bedroom cottage. I had enrolled in engineering college, and was doing just fine. I had been awarded a very nice scholarship to pay for my tuition and expenses. This life agreed with me, and I felt that I was beginning to journey through my adult life. Living by myself gave me a delicious feeling on independence. There was a complication.

My sister Rebekah was my love, and had become my sex slave and obsession. I missed her and what we shared. On a recent weekend visit home, I discovered that Rebekah was having problems. She missed me. She was depressed, and her grades were suffering. My parents and I talked about Rebekah, and devised an answer. I offered to have Rebekah move in with me. I told them she could have the second bedroom in my little bungalow, but I would really appreciate them helping with the rent. I had plans to rent that room to another student to defray my rental costs. For this, I promised I would enroll Rebekah in a high school near my college, and I would tutor her to bring her grades up to par. My parents were overjoyed at this arrangement. So was Rebekah. I was very pleased, to say the least. The following weekend I moved Rebekah into my house. Even though I put all of her stuff in the second bedroom, it was clear that she would share my bed. We had to keep up appearances for our parents. We were like a honeymoon couple. We were excited to be back together, and now in our own place

As soon as we were alone, Rebekah ran to my arms. I hugged and kissed my lover and sister. I quickly undressed her, and then myself. We fell into my bed and made love like we had not seen each other for years! Afterwards, we lay there in the bed, basking in the afterglow of our hot afternoon sex. My arm was around Rebekah, as I lay on my back. She had her head on my shoulder, lying on her side, facing me. Her sweet breasts were pressed hard against my body and she was softly stroking my flagging cock.

"Heath," she whispered. "I am the happiest girl in the world. I thought I had lost you. Im so glad we are here together."

I smiled, hugged her, and after kissing her, replied. "Yeah, Baby Sister, I missed you too. But, if we are going to live together, however, I insist on some rules."

Rebekah looked at me, and asked, "What kind of rules? I'm already your sex slave, silly."

"Well, that's the point baby. I want us to make sure we maintain that way of life. Like in the past, you are my sex slave. I will tie, restrain you when I want. I will whip and torture you as in the past, and no sex act will be too much for you. I guess we can say you do not have the right to say no."

Rebekah smiled, "Yes, my love, I know all that, and I accept your rules."

"Good," I commented. "Next, we are going to get your school grades up to where they should be. We dont want mother and dad to insist you going back home because you grades did not improve like I promised."

"I promise€ , she said, stroking my now erect cock. "Is there anything else Master?"

"Yeah, there is," I said, pausing for a moment. "If the opportunity presents itself, I intend to engage in our kidnap games, I replied

Rebekah paused, and the asked, "You mean you might give me to someone else to torture and rape?"

"Yeah, that's what I mean. only if you want to I'm going to give you some choices now we're together."

"No not really." she answered.

"then we want." I replied. "there's another thing I'm taking you off the birth control bill that is if you want to?" Rebekah moved down my body, leaving a trail of delicious kisses until she arrived at my cock. She used her sweet pink tongue to flick the tip of my cock as she stroked the rigid heated shaft, causing it to throb with my heart beat. Teasingly, she slipped her soft sweet lips over the head of my cock, and started to suck it in earnest To add to the sensation, she cupped my balls with her hand, gently massaging them. I could not hold out long, and soon my cock erupted in jets of hot semen, filling her beautiful mouth. She managed to take it all, not losing a drop. It had been a long day, and within a very short time we both fell asleep, my sister Rebekah with my cock touching her lips as her head rested on my stomach. Her soft dainty hand still gently holding my balls. It was wonderful to be together again.

The college year went as usual. I was doing well in my engineering and computer science classes, and Rebekah's grades improved. By mid winter, she was ready to graduate from high school in the Spring. We continued to live together. We went to college functions as boy friend and girl friend. Rebekah looked so hot, a lot of my friends envied my having her as my lover. Little did they know I was living with and having fabulous sex with my beautiful sister.

During my next year at college, I turned 20 and Rebekah was 18. We were closer than ever, and at every opportunity I took her deeper into sexual slavery. By now I had purchased many bondage items. There were cuffs (leather and steel), the ever present ropes, whips, nipple and clit clamps, dildos and other paraphernalia to bring us both pleasure. Rebekah reveled in her sexual slavery. She was virtually my 24/7 slave.

In the Spring of that school year, as I was approaching 21 years of age, and Rebekah approaching 19, I met Eric. We met on the racket ball court, and became fast friends. Even though he was discrete, it was obvious that he thought Rebekah was one incredible woman. I liked Eric, and I started to probe his psyche to see if he would the right person to share Rebekah with. One day, at his apartment, I noticed some bondage porn books and BDSM videos in his closet. When I asked, he readily admitted that he was very interested in the subject of BDSM, but had never had a chance to pursue his desires. I invited Eric to my house on Saturday evening, and told him to expect something very special in the area of BDSM. He tried to get me to tell him what the surprise was, but I held fast. He would have to wait and see. In the meantime, he and I had several conversations about BDSM and sexual slavery of women. From what I could discern from our talks, he probably thought I knew of a couple of hookers who would accommodate us. I had no intention of letting him fuck her.

I told Rebekah about the upcoming Saturday evening with Eric, and that I would be letting him participate in her slavery. She was a little apprehensive, but agreed to obey me. We had not done anything like this since we were in high school. Rebekah had met Eric and liked him. We both were excited about the possibilities.

Saturday afternoon came. Rebekah was given instructions on how to dress. She asked what the evening activities would be, but I kept her in the dark. I thought it would be better that way. I had her put on one of her string bikini swim suits. Over that, as instructed, she put on a black strapless bra and matching black lace panties. Then she put on a short skirted sun dress. The top of the dress resembled a halter top, the straps of which were tied in a bow at the back of her neck. To top this off, she put on a pair of black patent leather high heel pumps. Rebekah was very adept at wearing very high heel shoes as I required her to be naked, wearing high heel shoes, whenever we were alone. Once she was dressed for the evening, you could not tell that she had five layers of clothing on, including her dress. She was just dressed very stylishly, and very beautiful.

When Eric arrived, Rebekah was the model hostess. She served snacks and drinks, and was very attentive. Eric could not take his eyes off her. After every one had relaxed, I told Rebekah to go into the bedroom. There, on the bed, she would find a brief case. She was to bring it into the living room. She did as instructed. Eric asked about what was going to happen. I told him to have patience and he would not be disappointed. Rebekah brought the brief case into the living room, and put it on the coffee table. As instructed, she opened it. Inside were ropes, cuffs, gags, and other items needed by a man who owned a sex slave. Rebekah was told to take the penis gag from the brief case. This was a leather strap on which was mounted a rubber dildo. This is inserted in at slaves mouth, with the strap holding it tightly in place. The does a really good job of silencing a sex slave. Rebekah was told to put it on. "Rebekah, make sure you pull the strap tight," I ordered. She did as I asked.

"Now, slave, put on the steel police handcuffs, and lock your hands behind your back. Make sure the cuffs are tight," was her next order. Rebekah did as I asked. Eric was spell bound. Now standing in front of him was one very beautiful submissive woman, handcuffed and gagged on her own volition. He was silent, at a loss for words as he watched the evening unfold. At my instructions, Rebekah moved about, posing so Eric could appreciate her bondage and beauty. Her short dress and high heels displayed her great legs, while her breasts were pushed against the fabric of her sun dress.

I stood and walked to Rebekah. I hugged her and kissed her gagged mouth. While I was kissing her, my hand was fondling her breasts through her dress. Picking a strand of rope, I wrapped it around her elbows, pulling it tight and tying it off. Now her elbows were touching each other, bound tightly in the small of her back, causing her amazing breasts to push out from her chest, straining the fabric of her dress. I unlocked the handcuffs, and used another piece of rope to tightly tie her wrists. "Eric, you have met Rebekah, the most important thing in my life, but now I want you to meet Slave Rebekah. She is my sex slave, and I do with her as I wish."

Eric finally was able to speak. "Wow," he uttered. :I never knew. Wow, Man shes beautiful." I noticed from the lump in his trousers that he had an erection. Rebekah noticed also.

"Eric, I have a surprise for you. You and I are going to play strip poker. The winner of each hand gets to take an article of clothing off Rebekah. When she is naked, then we will enjoy her."

Eric replied, "Wow!"

I answered, "Quit saying ?Wow, and go to the table where the cards are, and lets play poker." Rebekah was looking at me with a look of lust, and a little bit of trepidation. It had been a long time since I done something like this to her. I took her by the forearm and escorted her to the kitchen table. Eric and I sat down at the table, while Rebekah was made to stand, on display, between us. Eric was excited, and Rebekah was submissively beautiful. Her pretty blue eyes watching her two captors. The first hand of cards were dealt, and after some maneuvering, I won the first hand.

"Rebekah," I said. "Come here. I have won the right to remove your dress. Whoever wins a hand can remove an article of clothing from you. When the article is removed, you are to stand very close to the winner of that hand, as he has the right to enjoy feeling and playing with you body. Rebekah nodded her head. I removed her dress, without untying her. Now she was standing there in a black bra and matching black panties. Eric was enthralled. I sat back down and spent the next few minutes running my hands over her body, paying care attention to her breasts and pussy. Time to deal the next hand. Eric was not a very good poker player, so I deliberately lost that hand, so he could remove an article of Rebekah's clothes. He removed her strapless bra. He was somewhat disappointed that she had on a bikini bra underneath. Rebekah moved very close to Eric, and stood silently as he took every advantage of feeling and playing with her scantily clad body. Finally, I told him it was time for another hand of poker. Reluctantly, his hands left Rebekah, and returned to the poker hand he was dealt. Even as he looked at his cards, one of his hands was stroking her delicious ass and fabulous legs as she obediently stood there. Eric won the next hand, and removed her panties, leaving her standing there in her string bikini and high heeled shoes. Again, Eric reveled in running his hands all over her body. I made sure Eric won the next hand of poker. He stood up and walked behind Rebekah. He slowly undid the ties to her bikini top. The top fell away, and she was standing there with her magnificent breasts on display. Eric's pulled her back into his body, his hands going around her body, grasping her waiting breasts. He spent nearly ten minutes playing with her breasts and kissing her gagged face. The bulge in his trousers were more than obvious. Rebekah's bound hands were brushing against his painfully rigid cock. The last hand of poker was mine. Rebekah was standing between us as I removed her bikini bottom. She was magnificent. I ran my hand between her legs to find that her pussy was hot and wet. She moaned softly as I pushed my finger into her heated passage. After a minute or two, finger fucking Rebekah, I turned to Eric. "Now, my friend, come with me,' I instructed. I took my naked sister Rebekah by her bound wrists and escorted her to the corner of the living room. Reaching up, I took a hanging planter down from the eye bolt mounted in the ceiling. Using a long piece of rope, I tied one end around Rebekah's bound wrists, and the other end through the eye bolt. I pulled on the rope, pulling it up tight, raising Rebekah's bound hands and arms well above her, until she was sharply bent at the waist. I tied the rope off, forcing her to remain in that exposed position. Her beautifully smooth ass was now exposed to be fondled or whipped. Her awesome breasts were hanging, awaiting torment. Eric was just about to learn about the latter.

"Eric, this is my slave," I said. "You told me you have never whipped a woman before. Tonight, you are going to be privileged to whip the most beautiful ass in this town. Here, run your hands over this sweet ass." Eric ran his hands over Rebekah's exposed ass, and then let his hand drift down to her smoldering pussy. He slapped her ass a couple of times, as if to test the texture. He then ran his hand down to Rebekah's hanging breasts. He squeezed them, and pinched her nipples. Rebekah squirmed, as best she could, as Eric twisted her nipples. I handed Eric a multi-strand whip. He visually measured the distance of his stroke, and brought he whip across Rebekah's upraised ass. Immediately, delicate pink striations appeared on the smooth skin of her bottom. Eric liked whipping Rebekah. She was softly moaning as her ass as assaulted. Eric expanded his area of attack, at my suggestion. He brought the whip down to Rebekah's breasts. They shook and trembled under the attack of Eric's whip. About the time that I thought he was reaching her limit of pain, I stopped him. While he was whipping Rebekah, I was undressing. My cock was so hard it hurt. I moved behind Rebekah, and slipped my rigid member into her steaming pussy. She moaned louder, through her gag, as she felt my cock invade her cunt. Eric was undressing as I was fucking my helpless sister. As he finished undressing, I stopped fucking Rebekah, and untied the rope that held her in the bent over position. Rebekah was disappointed as I had not brought her to a cum, that she so desperately wanted. I told Eric to sit on the couch as I removed the gag from Rebekah's mouth.

"Rebekah, my sweet slave, I want you to go to Eric and welcome him to our home with a well executed blow-job. Make it the best he ever had." Eric watched as Rebekah knelt down in front of him. He was speechless as she leaned forward and kissed and licked the pre-cum from the head of his cock. She then leaned in further, and took his cock into her mouth. Eric nearly passed out. As Rebekah was sucking Eric's cock, I moved behind her, and slipped my cock back into her sweet pussy. This was too much for Rebekah. I fucked her savagely. Before she had a chance to get Eric off, she succumbed to my cock and climaxed. She lost control and let his cock slip from her mouth as she buried her head in his crotch while she had a massive cum.

When she came back to her senses, she looked up at Eric, "Oh, Eric, Sir, I am very sorry. I should not have cum without permission. I am sorry I did not bring you to a cum. I am very sorry."

Eric started to say, "Oh that's OK," but I intervened.

"Slave, you know you will have to be punished."

Rebekah hung her head, "Yes sir, Heath, Sir, I'm sorry." Quickly, I picked Rebekah up and carried her to my bed. I promptly placed her in the middle of the bed, on her back with her bound hands and arms pinned beneath her. Using two strands of rope, I tied her ankles to the corners of our four poster bed, spreading her legs widely.

"Eric, we have a slave here that needs to be punished. Take this whip and whip her pussy so she will not forget her duties," I ordered.

At first, Eric was hesitant. He had never whipped a delicious pussy of a beautiful woman before. He was up to the task however, and in a minute or two, had Rebekah crying, begging to suck his cock. I stopped him at the appropriate time. At my suggestion, he climbed on the bed and straddled Rebekah's body. He moved forward until his cock was at her mouth. As she opened her soft lips to receive him, his ass was pressing down on her upraised breast. He started humping and fucking her pretty mouth. Her lips wrapped around his erection as he fucked her face, with no mercy. In a moment or two, he came. The evening was nearly too much for him. His cock exploded in her mouth, sending jets of scalding cum down her throat.

The evening had gone well. Before it came to an end, Rebekah was fucked again by just me, and she sucked me to a cum. After Eric left to go to his apartment, Rebekah and I showered together. She wanted to be hugged and kissed by me. She was able to give me another erection as she soaped and massaged by cock. I fucked her right there in the shower. She was wonderful sex slave, and I loved her.

Well, I am 32 now. I have an excellent career in engineering. Rebekah and I have moved to Chicago, and live together as man and wife. Everyone who knows us thinks we are married. She is become even more beautiful, and I am the envy of all the guys I know. It is a beautiful life, and I cannot imagine it being any different. Both our parents are gone now, so it is just us, and we love it. We know society would frown on how we live, but we don't care. We are madly in love with each other. she has also had one of my children and is now 3 and is pregnant again.

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