Roland was a good agent, he wouldn't have gone to ground unless things were serious. With word that Dematrov had been reported in the area, Tania couldn't help but assume that he was responsible in some way. Unfortunately, he was also a very good agent, and if anybody could take out Roland . . .
No, that was no way to think. Dematrov was good at what he did, but he wasn't terribly creative. He preferred simple and straightforward methods to elaborate plans. Tania was the one he hated, not Roland, and it would be Tania he went after, not her friends.
Speaking of which, she needed to get ready. She wanted to leave in a hurry when the time came. It was unlikely that Dematrov would be able to locate her, and even less likely that he'd intercept her if her did, but there was no sense in taking chances . . .

Tania was roused from her contemplation as a cold ring of metal pressed into the back of her skull.
"I voud not move. Or I vill have to splatter your brains all over apartment walls."
Tania's blood ran cold at the sound of Dematrov's voice from behind her.
"Remain still as Grigori searches you for weapons. Also as he ties you up. If you scream, you die."
"Aren't you planning to kill me anyway?" Tania replied, as a mountain of a man stepped into view and began tearing at her bathrobe.
"Is one of many options, but not vat I have in mind for now. But still an option. Do not be trying the 'funny business'."
Tania had to resist the instinct to fight as Grigori stripped off her outer garment and left her standing in her underclothes. She could imagine Dematrov leering at her from behind. Grigori was unexpectedly business-like in his handling of her, an unexpected -though not unwelcome - departure from what she would have normally expected.
"Mmmmrrrr!" agent Tania growled as Dematrov cinched the ropes that bound her wrists behind her.
"I must say, you chose wery nice underwear for dis evening," Dematrov said, the barrel of his handgun still pressed against her skull. Divested of her bathrobe and gagged with some cloth napkins and a silk scarf, she shivered as her captor's free hand played with her golden locks.
"Grigori, search the apartment. Make sure there are no other agents here, and then find any computers and download information off them. I will guard Agent Tania, she and I have unfinished business . . . "

As Grigori lumbered out of the room, Tania's mind began racing. With the wall of muscle out of the way, at least for the moment, her odds of getting out of this mess had just improved significantly. She was too smart to do anything with a gun trained on her, but Dematrov would have to point it away eventually, even if only for a moment. The trick would be capitalizing on that without landing herself in more-
Even as she thought this, Dematrov spun her around suddenly. She hear the dull thwump of something small but heavy hitting the mattress. His pistol? He pulled her face to face up against him, pressing their bodies together as his vice-like grip pulled her in. She barely had time to register what was happening as her head was forced back by a chemical-soaked pad pressed over her nose and mouth.
"You are too skilled an agent to leave unsedated Tania, nyet? But not too much. I vant you weak, but aware. You will experience, but be helpless to resist. I look forward to dis."
Tania thrashed against the assault by her captor. She held her breath and tried to twist her head out of his grip. She twisted her hips and kicked her legs, trying to hit something that would force him to shift position, and give her an opening of escape. Dematrov chuckled sadistically as her struggling became more and more furtive, the desperation for air inducing panic even as her determination held back the instinct to gasp. Tania could feel his groin swelling as her struggles forced their bodies together.
"Fight all you vant my little blond haired American, dis evening, you are mine!"
"NNNNNM!" Tania shot back defiantly. Her lungs burned inside her chest, which strained beneath the unrelenting grip of her captor, her sumptuous breasts pressed against his chest, feeling his heartbeat pound more and more fiercely with each passing moment.
And then, despite her every effort, she gasped.
The sharp and pungent scent of refined chemicals stung her nose as her burning lungs gulped down the fumes. She coughed at the caustic sensation, which forced her to breath in even more. Her vision began to blur almost immediately, and she felt her limbs giving out on her. Either to test her strength or to mock it, Dematrov loosened his grip on her. She tried to throw him off in a sudden burst of thrashing, but her legs buckled when she tried, and she fell limply against him instead.
Her peripheral vision began to darken. Her sense of reality slowly wafted away. She was succumbing to the fumes. Perhaps, if she breathed it all in, she would fall unconscious. Deny him his little game with her.
She inhaled as sharply as her wasted body could manage, but tasted only the sweet flavor of pure, clean air. A defeated moan escaped her lips.
"Now begins my revenge on you."

Agent Tania moaned weakly into her gag as Dematrov's hands began to gently caress her body.
"Nmmmm . . . . mmmhhhh . . ." she tried to protest.
Dematrov stared down into her bleary eyes, barely able to contain himself. He soft, plump bosom jostled against his chest, ready to burst from her bra at any moment. Her firm buttocks flexed beneath his grip as she tried to steady herself.
He was going to take his time with this.
Tania's weak moans of protest and feeble struggling only seemed to excite Dematrov, as his hands skillfully went to work on her helpless body.
"Enough of the playing," Dematrov said as he tossed his now entirely disrobed captive back onto the bed, "Is time for main event!