Tuesday 13 November 2018


jenny looked out the window of her East Bay apartment. It was a Friday morning and she was waiting patiently for her boyfriend Roy to show up. jenny was new to power exchange play and had confessed to Roy that she would enjoy a 'kidnapping' scenario, one where she would be a 'slave' to her kidnappers. He said he'd be willing to set it up for her, but that she would have to totally trust him to set it up. They decided on Tuesday evening that on Friday morning he would arrive with a friend. They would be dressed in hoods and they would kidnap her. She could back out of it before then, but that once they arrived and she opened the door she had consented to the 'scene.' Since then Roy had not had sex with her, so jenny was not only nervous but also very horny.

jenny absentmindely let her fingers travel down to between her legs. She had confided to Roy that she found the thought quite erotic, being abducted against her will, taken to a faraway place and possibly becoming someone else's 'slave.' And now that it was Friday morning, she had become quite a bit more nervous about it.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Roy was getting some items ready..his toy bag which was full of whips, clamps, paddles and other assorted items, a blindfold, ballgag, some rope and handcuffs. He grinned wickedly as he thought about the plan he had devised for the weekend. He would be picking up Todd, a mutual friend in a little while. Todd was a local Dominant man with experience in kidnapping scenarios. Roy had approached him with the idea a week before over a couple beers. Todd liked the idea and gave Ron some pointers. He also arranged for his friend Mistress Celene to join them for the weekend.

They had arranged to use a house several miles away to take jenny. There would also be another submissive woman there that also would be receiving 'training.' Roy also packed masks that he and Todd would wear. He wanted jenny to be kept in suspense the entire weekend and not know who her mysterious 'kidnapers' were!

Roy got in his car and drove over to Todd's house. Mistress Celine would be joining them at the house where jenny was to be 'held.' She was picking up sara, a sub who knew about the kidnapping but had freely agreed to participate in the weekend's activities. Roy pulled up and walked up to the door. He rang the bell..Todd answered it and smiled as he saw Roy. "Hey old friend..ready?" Roy asked. "Sure thing. Just let me get my toy bag." said Todd.

Todd grabbed a small suitcase and his toybag and then locked the front door to his house. He walked over to Roy's car and got in the front seat. On the drive over, they talked about their scenario. Roy had his toybag full of various items in the back seat. He also had kept a change of clothes for Jenny just in case she really did freak out during the weekend. Within a few minutes, they had arrived at jenny's house. Jenny looked outside the window and saw Roy's car. She took a deep breath as she felt the butterflies literally flying in her stomach.

As Roy and Todd got out of Roy's car, they put on their hoods. They also had some handcuffs, a gag and a blindfold. They went over their plan. When jenny opened the door, they would rush in, grab her, rip off her clothes, blindfold and gag her, then drag her out to the car. Roy had parked the car so that it would be out of eyeshot of most people. They certainly didn't want any of jenny's neighbors seeing her being 'kidnapped!'

Roy looked at Todd as they approached jenny's front door. "Ready Todd? he asked. "Ready as I'll ever be," replied Todd with a grin. With that they rang the doorbell. Meanwhile, jenny hearing the doorbell took a deep breath and answered the door. "Hello..what the..???" Hey..what are you doing??" she cried out as Roy and Todd rushed in and closed the door. They grabbed her immediately, Todd holding her down with her hands behind her back and Roy began stripping off her clothes. In a matter of minutes, Roy had ripped off her blouse and skirt, leaving her in just a bra and panties.

"Noo!! What are you doing?? Pleasseee let me goooo!!" jenny screamed, even though secretly she was enjoying this. She felt Roy pinch her nipple through her bra. She didn't of course know which man was Roy, but some how she sensed Roy was the one undressing her. "Just shut up bitch!" yelled Todd, "And we won't hurt you!! Just do as we tell you..otherwise we're gonna have to get nasty with you!" "Oh pleasseee let me goo..don't hurt mee!" Jenny wailed. She felt handcuffs being put on her wrists as she screamed, then felt a blindfold put over her head. "Ohhhh man," said Todd. "Guess we'll have to gag her too!" jenny started to scream again and then felt something pressed in her mouth. She tried to scream but it came out as a "mmmmfphhh!!" instead of a scream for help.

"All right, let's get her in the car and get the hell outta here before anyone finds out what happened!" Todd yelled out. Jenny felt herself being grabbed and led out the door. Roy locked the door behind him and they rushed jenny out to the back seat and loaded her into Roy's car. Then Todd and Roy got into the front seat, started the car up and drove off to the house where Jenny would be held 'captive.'

On the ride over Jenny would continue to moan and scream, with Todd and Roy both assuring her over and over her screaming was of no use, that where they were taking her was out in a secluded area where no one would know where to look if she were to escape. The drive took about twenty minutes. When they arrived, Todd and Roy spotted Mistress Celine's car in the driveway.

They pulled up near the house, in fact right near the garage. Todd got out and rang the doorbell. Mistress Celine answered it and smiled when she saw Todd. "Ah..right on time..so good to see you Todd." "And you as well Celine! Well our captive is here. Would you be so kind as to open the garage door so we can bring her in? Todd said with a wicked grin.

"Oh of course Todd! I'll have sara open the door for you. Just a second," Celine walked away with a gleam in her eye. Todd sensed the gleam was more than just a casual glance. Todd chuckled to himself and wondered if Celine might just have the hots for him. He figured he'd probably find out sometime over the weekend for sure. At that point, he heard the garage door open and saw sara in her collar and cuffs, wearing a black bra and panties. Damn he thought sara sure looked good. He loved her petite body and shoulder-length red hair.

"Hello Sir!" said sara. "Is our captive here?" she asked. "Why yes sara she is. I guess we should bring her in now." Todd said. "By all means Sir." sara and Todd both grinned at each other. Todd said, "So good to see you again sara. How are you?" "Doing quite well Sir and it's lovely to see you as well.. I trust you are well?" "That I am sara..thanks for asking." With that, he walked over to the car to help Roy get jenny out of the car. jenny was still moaning and was trying hard to wriggle out of the hold that Todd and Roy had on her. Once they got her inside the garage, sara also helped out, leading the three of them inside the house.

The house was actually in a quiet residential area, not out in the 'boonies' as they had wanted jenny to believe. They kept the curtains in the house drawn to further mystify jenny. Once they had jenny safely inside, Todd motioned to sara that that would be all for now. sara bowed and then left the room. Mistress Celine joined them at this point and instructed Todd and Roy to remove jenny's gag and blindfold.

jenny now able to see and speak again grunted as the gag was taken out of her mouth and squinted at the rush of light. "Ah" Mistress Celine spoke. "You must be our captive. Well from here on you will address me as Mistress! The two men who brought you here will remain faceless to you but will always be addressed as Master! Punishment for not complying will be severe!! If you don't believe me, you can watch me take it out on the other slave here this weekend!! In fact, you might enjoy watching her being flogged. I plan on giving her a good one tonight or tomorrow!" She said with a wicked gleam in her eye.

jenny looked at her tormentor..she appeared to be in her late thirties..short dark brown hair..slender. She had the demeanor of a woman in command. Todd even though he was very dominant would imagine himself at this woman's mercy every once in awhile. Celine knew this and would occasionally tease him about it. Todd would respond with 'anytime you want to, just let me know and I can Top you too!" Celine would just roll her eyes as she never bottomed to anyone.

"Well for now, I think we can do release the handcuffs as all the doors are locked. You won't be going anywhere until I or my friends here say so! We do need to proceed first with the "examination, before we do anything else!" jenny looked at her and said "Examination?" "Why yes dear," We do need to insure you are healthy before we do anything else! If you're not healthy, we'll have to let you go! heheh!" Celine chuckled. And if that goes well, we'll get a collar and leash for you to wear while you "stay" with us!"

"My slave sara is waiting for you in the exam room..follow me please." Celine said and turned to go into the hallway. jenny began to follow her..she walked past one room with eyebolts and pulleys and saw some wicked-looking floggers on the walls. Another room she passed had stocks. Celine paused and pointed to the next room. It was a rather long room..jenny looked inside and gasped. Inside she saw sara, Celine's slave dressed in a nurse's outfit and an exam table with the stirrups pulled up. "now now jenny..move along..not nice to keep the nurse waiting!" Celine smiled.

"Oh and you won't be needing that underwear anymore. So why not just take that off here? Celine asked and then glared at jenny. jenny looked back at Celine and then nervously began fumbling to take off her bra. In spite of her nervousness her nipples were quite hard and Celine took note of that. Jenny took off her panties, revealing a thick bush of brown hair. "Ah..quite a furry triangle there. Well, we'll take care of that once we get started. Now jenny.. lease climb up onto the table so we may begin the exam. Oh sara, would you get the clippers and the shaving cream? It appears we will be needing them!" sara smiled and said "Of course Mistress..right away." jenny sat there wondering how she felt about being "shaved down there" and also about having her most intimate areas examined.

sara returned with the clippers a few minutes later. She plugged them in the wall. "Mistress would you like me to get started?" she asked. "Why yes sara that would be splendid. jenny spread your legs so that 'nurse' sara can begin shaving your pubic area. She will trim it with these clippers, then shaving cream will be applied and then the whole area will be shaved so that we may begin your exam." Celine replied.

jenny shivered a little as the clippers were turned on. She had not ever shaved her pubic area and she was nervous about being so bare but figured she had no choice. sara started trimming the area..going back and forth over it until there was hardly any hair left. Then sara went to the drawer on the exam table, pulling out a washrag. She ran it under warm water which she then placed right on jenny's pussy. It felt good to jenny. Celine commented. "Putting the washrag there makes it easier to shave. This will just take a few minutes. in the meantime, we can start shaving the rest of your body, except of course your hair. Now raise your arms for me dear..we'll start on your underarms."

sara lathered both of jenny's underarms thoroughly, then pulling out a razor from the table drawer and leisurely shaved both of them. Then shaving cream was applied to jenny's thighs and calves and sara repeated the procedure. At that point, sara removed the washrag from jenny's pussy and applied shaving cream there. The cream felt cool on jenny's pussy. Then sara began shaving there..taking many strokes over and over until jenny's pussy was completely bald.

"Splendid sara! Such a wonderful job! Isn't she such a good barber? If she wasn't such a good little slave, I'd say she missed her calling!" Celine exclaimed. "But anyway, now on to the examination." jenny watched as Celine walked over to the exam table drawer and pulled out a small pen light, a plastic speculum, tongue depressor and other various items. "Yes jenny we need to examine all your body cavities..well maybe we'll skip that cute little butthole for now. Sayyy ahhh for me dear," Celine said as she placed the tongue depressor on jenny's tongue. "ahhhhhh," said jenny as she felt sara insert the speculum inside her pussy.

She felt sara expand it into her slowly and sara exclaimed that everything there looked quite healthy. Celine concurred, saying that her mouth and throat were in excellent shape as well. Then Celine took out a stethoscope and told jenny to breathe normally as she checked her heartbeat. Celine took great pains to check several spots, even occasionally pinching jenny's nipples as she did this.

"well jenny everything appears to be quite normal. Looks like you'll be able to stay with us. And isn't that wonderful! I know you'll adjust to being our slave in no time at all!" "SLAVVEE?" jenny cried out. "Why yes dear. Didn't those men explain to you why you are here? Didn't you consent to being our slave?" Celine asked. "Welllll..yes." jenny responded. "Ok then..well you are now our slave." We will discuss more of this later. For now, sara will be leading you to your bedroom, where your collar and leash are waiting. sara..if you would be so kind as to take jenny to her room and fit her with her new collar and leash. I need to talk with the Masters."

sara nodded and motioned for jenny to follow her to her bedroom. When they got there, jenny saw a collar, leash, and cuffs waiting for her. She noticed two cuffs had bells on them. "sara what are those bells for?" she asked. "Oh..those are so that everyone always knows where you are at any given movement. That is part of the training I went through when I first became Mistress' slave. It is to signify that you are available at a moment's notice to serve either Mistress or your two Masters." sara replied. "Now I am here to help you with your collar and cuffs. They should fit, but if they're too tight I'm sure we could find you a different pair to wear. Although the other ones here I believe are rather small and might be rather uncomfortable," she said with a grin.

sara may have been Celine's slave, but she did like to switch and was taking a delight in helping to train jenny this long weekend. She picked up the collar lying on the dresser and told jenny to hold up her hair, so that she could put it on her. jenny complied..it was a black collar with one large O-ring on it. sara attached the leash to it, then had jenny hold out her hands so that sara could attach the wrist and ankle cuffs. The sara attached chains to her wrist and ankle cuffs, limiting the amount of arm and leg movement jenny could make. When she was all finished, she had jenny stand. sara took a look at her and said "Oh..very very nice! You look so lovely in your collar and cuffs. I want to show you off to Mistress and our two Masters. Come along now."

sara took the leash and instructed jenny to stand. She held a gentle but firm grip on the leash as she led jenny out to the living room. When they walked out, Celine and Roy and Todd (still in their masks) were talking. Celine smiled, "Welll look at our slave now! Isn't she beautiful?? I swear once she is properly trained, she will make a wonderful slave, don't you agree Masters?" Roy and Todd smiled and nodded. "Welll..." Celine noted, "time for a late lunch. sara why don't you show jenny where the sandwiches are and prepare lunch for all of us?"

sara showed jenny into the kitchen where they prepared ham and cheese sandwiches for the Masters and Mistresses before making ones for themselves. jenny ate slowly, trying to take in all that had happened so far. sara noticed and told jenny to make sure and finish her sandwich, as they had more to accomplish late in the day.

When sara and jenny had finished their sandwiches, sara motioned to Celine and the two Masters they were ready for the afternoon's 'activities.' Celine nodded and motioned for jenny to join them in the living room. Well jenny, I think it's time for your afternoon training session," she said grabbing the leash to her collar. Ron and Todd followed right behind, along with sara. They led jenny into the room with the stocks she had seen earlier.

sara then took off jenny's collar, leash and wrist cuffs, while Celine opened up the stocks. She motioned to jenny to place her head and shoulders on the stocks, so that Celine could close them, locking jenny inside the stocks! Roy helped jenny ease into the stocks, moving her arms and head into position. Once her head and shoulders were firmly in place, Celine closed the stocks, locking jenny firmly in place! jenny's breasts hung down and her vulnerable,exposed ass was in plain sight of everyone. Celine remarked what a pretty ass it was as well. She said she had business to attend to on the phone, and she and Todd left the room.

jenny suddenly felt a pair of mouths on her nipples, softly licking and sucking them. She couldn't move her head to see who it was doing this. The mouths then began licking and sucking a little harder, then the sucking became nibbles on her tight nipples, then the nibbles turned into biting. jenny couldn't see that it was sara and Ron doing the nibbling, they exchanging grins at each other before continuing with the nibbling at jenny's nipples.

Then the nibbling turned into biting as jenny moaned out loud. She began trying to move in the stocks and then just as quickly felt a stinging THWAP across her naked ass. "Just a little something to bring you back to reality, slave!" Ron said. jenny figured that Ron must be using some kind of paddle on her! sara began rubbing jenny's ass, between Ron's blows. jenny felt her ass being alternately rubbed and then smacked with the paddle!

THWAP! THWAP! jenny could feel the sting of the paddle as Ron began to warm jenny's ass. He slowed down a bit delivering several light taps to jenny's ass. He knew this would help warm her up. He would alternate this by pinching one of jenny's nipples. "Ah slave..such a nice ass for spanking and oh look your nipples are quite hard! I think you are enjoying this so far." "Yes Master," replied jenny.

sara stopped rubbing jenny's ass at this point, preferring to watch Ron work his magic on jenny's ass. After several minutes, jenny noticed the blows were becoming harder and faster..to the point where Ron first started hitting her..THWAP! THWAP! THWAP! THWAP! Ron would rub and caress each of jenny's globes before striking it again. jenny would catch her breath, then cry out as each blow struck her. She occasionally flinched as the blows got harder.

Suddenly she felt her nipples being held and pinched again. She felt clamps being attached to them. She tried to struggle, but couldn't as the stocks held her firmly in place. She moaned as the clamps dangled from her hard nipples! sara walked over to her and started softly playing with them as Roy continued paddling her. She picked up the chain between the clamps up in her hand and then let it go again, doing this 2 or 3 times before stopping.

jenny was having trouble keeping up with all the sensations. She knew her pussy was quite wet and was hoping at some point to have a chance at some release. Roy knew jenny was getting very wet..he would run his finger between jenny's legs, smiling as he felt the wetness there. He resumed paddling jenny, rubbing his paddle all over her reddenining ass, and then whacking her some more. THWACKK!! THWACK!! could be heard in the room.

This went on for the next 45 minutes, as jenny's ass continued to redden. The noise of the paddling could be heard through most of the house. Celine got off the phone and commented to Todd about the fun that sara, Ron and jenny must be having. They even sneaked a peek at the three of them before walking back out to the living room.

Just when jenny thought she couldn't take any more, she felt the clamps being taken off and the stocks were lifted. Ron and sara helped her out of the stocks. sara found some lotion and rubbed it on jenny's tender behind. She softly held jenny as Ron put away his paddle and secured the stocks.

Ron walked out front to let Celine know they were finished. Celine came in the room and said "All right you two, you may rest for a little while but we need dinner served after that. The rest of the evening both of you will be collared and leashed and kneel at our feet!" Celine smiled. "Damn it felt good to say that! And to have TWO slaves this whole weekend! mmmmm," she thought to herself.

After a few minutes, sara helped jenny with her collar and leash and cuffs, putting them on. She led jenny from the room and took her to her own room, where her own collar, leash and cuffs were. She ordered jenny to help her put them on. Once done, the two slaves walked quickly out to the living room, where the Mistress and Masters were waiting.

There was food in the refrigerator, chicken and salad. Celine told the two women to prepare dinner, serve it and then kneel at their feet. Once they had finished, the two slaves would be allowed to eat dinner themselves. The two slaves quickly prepared dinner and complied with their instructions, waiting patiently for Celine and Roy and Todd to finish dinner. After they had washed their dishes, sara and jenny ate by themselves in the kitchen.

jenny complained about her tender ass and sara spoke up. "If you know what is good for you, you will remain quiet. If Celine and the Masters hear you, they'll take you back to the stocks and really blister your ass!" sara had a stern look on her face, but inside she was softly giggling. She was enjoying every minute of this weekend as much as Celine and the Masters were.

jenny spoke "ummm ok ok. I promise I'll remain quiet." "Good! If you comply, things will really be much easier on you." sara said. "So you are umm Mistress Celine's slave? jenny asked. "Oh yes..have been for a couple years now. I LOVE it! And you will grow to enjoy being a slave too! I heard Celine talking with the two Masters. They have wonderful things planned for you. in fact, I hear they're going to have you watch me get flogged in the morning!"

jenny softly gasped. She had only been flogged once since Ron and her had first gotten together, but found that she really enjoyed it. Now she would be watching sara get flogged!! "Well, we should get out there. We don't want to keep them waiting. Oh, and while we're out there on our knees, we are not to speak unless spoken to. Understood?" "jenny nodded. "Good. Shall we?" sara motioned for jenny to get up and the two of them walked out to the living room and kneeled next to Celine and the two Masters.

Celine grabbed a hold of sara's leash, Roy grabbed a hold of jenny's. They remained like that for the next two hours, not saying a word as Celine and the two Masters talked about their week and how well their 'kidnapping' had gone earlier that day.

Then it became time for everyone to turn in. Celine grabbed sara's leash and bid a good night to everyone. Todd also turned in, sleeping in the third bedroom, where Roy was also sleeping. Roy grabbed jenny's leash and led her to her room. When they got there, Roy had jenny get on the bed and ordered her to spread her arms and legs far apart, so that he could tie them to the bedposts.

He walked over to the drawer, pulling out a plug-in vibrator and a timer. He also got out some adhesive tape, taping it to right above jenny's pussy He plugged the vibrator into the timer and then smiled at jenny. "Sweet dreams dear slave, though when this timer goes off, you probably won't be thinking of sleeping.' he said with an evil grin and closed the door.

jenny groaned. She sat there waiting for the vibrator to turn on. She waited and then all of a sudden, whirrrrrrrrr. She gasped and moaned as the vibrator pulsated right above her pussy. Then after about ten minutes or so it stopped again as jenny groaned in frustration.

She lay there most of the night tossing and turning as best she could. The vibrator would go on and off at varying intervals, only adding to her frustration. By the next morning she was quite frazzled and obviously very frustrated at the lack of sexual release.

The morning light came in through the room as jenny lay there. Roy woke up and went into jenny's room to untie her. "Ah slave..sleep well? Probably not! heheh. Well Let me untie you and you can take a shower and join us in the living room for breakfast!" Roy took off the tape holding the vibrator to jenny's very wet pussy as jenny softly moaned. "There's soap and shampoo in the shower so that you can wash up, though you're probably going to get all hot and bothered later today anyway!" he said with a wicked grin.

Roy then untied the ropes tying jenny to the bed and then left the room so jenny could take a shower. jenny lay there for a few minutes and then walked into the shower. She turned on the warm water letting it cascade over her body..it felt so good. She took the soap and began lathering her body. As she did that, she began rubbing her pussy and immediately became engulfed in her own passions. She couldn't help herself..it felt so good!! As she rubbed her clit, she closed her eyes and then began fingering herself..sliding two then three fingers in and out of her pussy.

She was lost in her own world when she heard a knock on the door. "jenny? Are you about finished in there? We need to fix breakfast for Celine and the Masters?" jenny groaned as she heard sara's voice. "Just a minute!" she called out to sara. jenny turned off the water, stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around herself. She opened the door and saw sara, in front of her naked and wearing her collar smiling at her.

"Sorry hon that I had to cut your shower short, but my Mistress is quite demanding!" sara said with an evil grin. "So how did you sleep? Well I hope?" she asked. "No..didn't sleep at all." jenny replied. One of the Masters tied me to the bed and stuck a vibrator in me that went on and off all night!" God I'm soooo horny right now." jenny groaned.

"Oh Celine has done that to me before..that was fun..mmmmm. Don't worry dear..I'm sure if you're good today, they'll give you some release." sara responded. "mmm I hear you're in for some fun today..you're going to watch me get flogged after we finish breakfast, then some breast bondage and who knows what else? There's a blow dryer in the drawer..get it out. In fact, I'll help dry your hair for you. We mustn't keep everyone waiting." sara said.

jenny reached over and pulled the dryer out of the drawer and plugged it in. There was also had a brush in the drawer that jenny pulled out. sara turned it on and began brushing and drying jenny's shoulder-length hair. "mmmm jenny such nice thick hair..this is lovely to play with. mmmm.. maybe we could try tying you up by some of it?" sara said as she grabbed some of it in her hand momentarily before letting it go.

sara spent a few minutes blow drying and styling jenny's hair while jenny finished toweling off. Then she told jenny to put her collar and cuffs back on and they left the room. They arrived in the kitchen where Celine and the others were waiting. Celine greeted them with a smile. "Welll good morning slaves! I trust you slept well. Time for breakfast..there's eggs and bacon in the frige. The pans are underneath. I'll let you get started and then afterwards sara you are in for your flogging! And jenny you will get to watch..and maybe you'll get to be flogged later!" Celine said with an evil grin.

The two slaves prepared breakfast for all and then waited for everyone to finish. Then after they had eaten, Celine smiled and again attached a leash to sara and said it was time for her flogging. A leash was attached to jenny's collar too and both of them were led into the dungeon with the eyebolts. jenny's wrist and ankle cuffs were clicked together so she very little free movement. A chair was brought in so that jenny could sit down. jenny looked around the room and saw many different whips, some looking quite menacing.

"Well jenny, I'm glad you could join us this morning. I hear you're kind of a beginner at flogging. Well, perhaps by this afternoon that will change? Maybe one of the Masters can give you a nice flogging?" she grinned, as she ran her hands over sara's nubile body. She grabbed a handful of sara's hair as she said "Raise your hands dear, so that I can attach your cuffs to some rope that will be tied to the eyebolts."

sara did as she was told. jenny sensed sara seemed excited to be ordered around as well as anticipating what was about to come. She watched Celine tie sara's arms to the eyebolts and then attached her ankle cuffs to some kind of bar, which Celine later explained was a spreader bar. sara looked quite vulnerable like that and jenny began to feel herself get a little wet watching her.

jenny watched as Celine pulled a flogger off the wall. it was black and red and Celine brought it over to jenny and said "feel this? It's quite soft. This is a 'nice' one..not like a couple of the ones I'm going to use on my slave today." celine grinned and walked back to sara. She ran a hand over sara's backside as sara softly cooed. "mmmm..yes my slave likes that doesn't she? Celine said.

Celine began to softly flog her upper back with slow strokes, as sara closed her eyes. She seemed to get into the rhythm of the strokes. Celine would slide a hand over sara as she did this. Then Celine began to flog her a little harder letting sara get used to that. She would alternate between soft and medium strokes, not allowing sara to get too used to that.

After several more minutes of warmup, Celine began flogging sara much harder, jenny would occasionally flinch at the intensity. Even so, she knew she was quite wet and enjoying the scene. She was secretly hoping she would get flogged next.

Celine was really getting into the flogging, she began hitting sara harder now, alternating between her upper left and right back, also reaching around and pinching sara's nipples from time to time as sara moaned. Her back was turning pink and then red from the flogging. The scene continued on as jenny sat transfixed by it all.

Then she watched as Celine finished her flogging of sara and softly let her down. She released sara's cuffs from the spreader bar and helped sara to the floor where they cuddled for several minutes, Celine tenderly holding her slave.

Then they broke their embrace and Celine looked at jenny. "Well, what did you think? Enjoyed it?? Want to try it for yourself?" Celine grinned. "Ummm very nice Mistress." was all she could say. Celine kept on grinning. She knew their scene had had a powerful effect on jenny and would keep her in nervous anticipation of her own flogging later that day.

After several minutes, Celine helped sara up and told jenny they were leaving. But just as they did that, Celine turned and told jenny she would be staying put until they all decided what they wanted to do next with her. As she said that, Celine left the room and came back with some rope. She took one rope and wrapped it around and around jenny's breasts. Then she took another rope and tied jenny's arms to the chair. She took a third rope and tied her legs to it.

"Ahhh..much better..oh I almost forgot..a blindfold to top it all off!" You won't be going anywhere now! Well, it's time for lunch. When we come back, we'll give you a sandwich or something. Ta-ta!" jenny heard Celine and sara's footsteps leave the room. She struggled a little and realized she was firmly tied in the chair.

She lost track of time..she could hear footsteps walk back and forth and sensed somehow she was being watched. She didn't realize it but Celine and the others would walk past the room on purpose every few minutes just to keep jenny on edge.

After what seemed close to an hour she again heard footsteps and then a hand on her hand reach over and take off the blindfold. She squinted at the rush of light and it took a minute or so before she realized it was sara. "hi jenn..you don't mind if I call you that do you? I brought a sandwich. I will untie your arms so you can eat. Sorry..can't untie your legs..that's on the Masters' orders!"

jenny raised her arms as jenny untied them and almost wolfed down the sandwich sara gave her. sara smiled and asked "So how did you like watching my flogging?" jenny gasped and said "Oh myyy..it seemed so intense, especially at the end! I don't know how you took so much!" sara smiled, "Welll I've been flogged more times than I can remember. You build up a tolerance and Celine is soo good at warming up as you have seen. I hope Master Todd is as good at warm-up. Oh..that's right.. you don't know which one he is which do you? With those hoods on, it is hard to tell. Well, I need to go and I'll tie you back up. He should be here in a few minutes to start your flogging. Be good!" sara tied jenny's arms back to the chair, kissed her on the cheek and left the room.

About five minutes later, Master Todd walked in, still wearing his hood. "Ah..so sara told you my name did she? oh well, we wanted to keep it a surprise, but I suppose we can punish her later for that. So what do you suppose I'm going to do with you my pretty?" Master Todd said with an evil laugh. "ummmm..I don't know Master." jenny said.

Master Todd laughed again through his hood. "Welll I think you know very well, especially after watching this morning's session with Mistress Celine and sara," he said while fingering one of the floggers on the wall. "I'm looking forward to this. And I know you're quite hot in need of some release aren't you dear?" "yes Master!" jenny said.

Master Todd ran his hands along the rope that held jenny entwined to the chair. "I suppose first I need to untie you huh?" he said as he began to loosen the ropes that held jenny bound. He untied her arms first and then jenny's ankle cuffs and let jenny stretch a little. "Now slave, you will stand up and march over to directly underneath the eyebolts.

jenny stood up and walked over to the spot Master Todd directed her to. Master Todd watched her and said "Spread your legs..that's a good girl. Now raise your arms!" jenny did as she was told and watched Master Todd grab the same rope and tied a knot in her wrist cuffs and then reached up and tied a know in each eyebolt, securing jenny. The Master then grabbed the spreader bar used in the earlier scene and attached jenny's ankle cuffs to it. Now jenny was in the same position sara had been in earlier.

jenny could feel her heart beating faster and faster and yet she was quite thrilled at the prospect of getting flogged. Master Todd ran his hands over jenny's shoulders and back as she shivered. Then she felt a soft sting as Todd began flogging her softly with the same flogger Celine had started sara out with. She gasped softly and then began trying to breathe the same way she had watched sara do earlier.

Todd began to speed up the tempo a little..and jenny began to feel the sting of the flogger on her back. Still she remembered to breathe and just try to relax. Todd would rub her back from time to time before continuing. He maintained this pace for ten to fifteen minutes, letting jenny get used to the feel of the flogger and also checking her pussy which was of course quite wet. He smiled to himself as he noticed this.

jenny had been getting used to the "whack whack whack whack" style of Todd's flogging, when all of a sudden he began to increase the tempo. jenny cried out as Todd started hitting her harder with the flogger, the room began to fill with the sound of "Whack, WHACK, Whack, WHACK, WHACK!" as jenny cried out. Todd continued on flogging her harder as jenny began to moan. She would feel the sting of the flogger at the same time her pussy felt like it was on fire.

And yet all of a sudden Todd stopped. Jenny suddenly heard a buzzing and felt something pressed up against her pussy. "OOOHHHHH!" she screamed. "Why yes slave..feels nice doesn't it? I thought you'd had enough for now and deserved a break!" Todd said with an evil grin. He kept the vibrator pressed up against jenny's pussy for several minutes as jenny kept moaning. Since she had had no relief for several days, she was on the verge of orgasm in just a short time.

Todd knew this and said "Does my slave wish to cum?" "Oh yes Master! I would please!" Todd smiled. "That's good slave..I'm almost convinced. I'll ask again..would my slave like to cum?" As he asked a second time, he turned the vibrator up to high as jenny gasped. "YESSSSS MASTER!! Let me cummm PLEASSEEE!!!" Todd smiled and said "OK slave..yes you may cum! Cum now for your Master!

"OHH THANK YOU MASTER!!!! OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! jenny screamed as she realized she would be finally be able to cum after so much frustration. Her body shook and she thrashed in her bonds. "mmmmmmMMMMMMMMM..ohhh YESSSSSSS!!!" jenny moaned as she began to cum, Todd keeping the vibrator pressed against her drenched pussy. Some of her juices began to run down her legs as she continued cumming. Then just as quickly as her orgams started, it began to subside. Her breathing began to return to normal and just as she became coherent again, she noticed Todd was gone and sara had returned.

sara reached up and untied jenny from the eyebolts and the spreader bar and helped her to the floor. She softly held jenny and asked "How was it hon. Are you OK?" jenny looked at sara and said "Oh my God! That was amazing! I haven't cum like that in years!" sara smiled.."i'm glad you had such a wonderful time. I knew you would." She held jenny for the next half hour or so until jenny said she felt like moving.

"mmmm..well then jenny if you're ready for more, I know the Masters had another special treat in store for you today. It's called dildo training.. they have a special harness for you with a nice big fat dildo in it that you'll get to wear the rest of the day and into the evening! It's quite comfortable once you get used to it. Let me go get Celine and one of the Masters to help.

jenny groaned again. She just had had one intense orgasm and wasn't prepared to have to build up to another gut wrenching climax quite so soon. She sighed and waited a couple minutes. Celine and Master Roy walked in. "Ahh so our slave is ready for the next phase? Good..Master R, if you will do the honors?" Celine asked. Master Roy, still in his hood walked in carrying a harness with a dildo in the middle of it. It was shiny from having lube just poured on it. Jenny's eyes grew wide at the thought of having to wear it, as well as walk around in it for several hours.

Master Roy approached jenny. "Now slave, you will put this harness on yourself and wear it until I say you can take it off. Put it on NOW!" Roy commanded. jenny nervously took the harness and stepped into it, sliding it up her legs until the dildo just grazed her once again wet pussy. She hesitated a minute, and then pulled it up so the dildo would slip inside her. It slid into her with ease. Roy and Celine smiled. Roy then walked up to jenny and tightened the harness ensuring it and the dildo would stay in place.

"Very good slave!" Now I think we're ready to go back in the living room, where you can spend the rest of the afternoon and evening." Roy said. He took the leash to jenny's collar and led her out of the room and into the living room. sara and jenny spent the rest of the afternoon and evening there, stopping only to make dinner for Celine and the two Masters.

Bedtime came and jenny was led to her room by Master Roy. He told her to remove her harness and then tied her to her bed. jenny slept a little better that night, but not much.

Sunday morning, jenny woke up with a dull ache in her pussy. That harness had left her aroused and she hoped she'd be allowed to cum again that day. She took a shower, washing her body and hair and was toweling off when sara again knocked on her door telling her to get ready to make breakfast. jenny put on her leash and collar and this time sara led her into the living room where they made breakfast again for everyone.

Celine and the Masters had one more surprise in store. Master Todd mentioned that since sara had revealed his identity the day before, she would have to be punished. So with that he took sara into the room where she and jenny had received their flogging the day before. Master Roy took a hold of sara's leash and followed Roy and sara into the room.

sara was again tied to the eyebolts and jenny was made to stand right across from her. Their feet were attached to spreader bars and jenny's arms were tied in back of her. The Masters pulled out two pairs of nipple clamps, attaching one to jenny's left nipple, then one to sara's left nipple. Then a pair of clamps were attached to each woman's right nipple. "There..don't either of you move unless you want to rip the other girl's nipple right off," Roy said with a smirk. "This will teach you both a lesson about keeping identities private!" Roy giggled to himself. "Oh.. one other thing..if I hear you talking, you'll be wearing those all day!" Roy then left the room.

The two women giggled nervously and then tried to remain still, occasionally accidentally moving and causing the other to softly moan. They remained like that for an hour or so, Roy and Todd and Celine all coming in every few minutes to check on them and also to softly pull on the clamps as the women groaned.

After that, the clamps were released and the women spent the rest of the day cleaning up around the house and then as the afternoon wore on, both women were flogged by Roy and Todd. Afterwards, both women lay at the feet of Celine and the Masters. Finally Roy spoke, "Gosh, I think we probably should let jenny in on the secret don't ya think. Todd grinned and took off his hood, followed by Roy.

jenny laughed in some surprise, figuring it had been Roy all along behind one of the hoods. "Master!!!..I mean Roy!!!! Ohhh..this weekend was wonderful!!" she exclaimed. She rushed over and gave Roy a big hug and kiss, which quickly became very passionate. Then she took his hand and disappeared into one of the dungeons with him.

Todd just smiled at Celine and sara. "I guess she enjoyed this weekend huh?" Celine walked over to him, put her arms around him and whispered in his ear, "She's not the only one..damn I'm horny babe..how about you and me and sara go in the back bedroom awhile huh? I don't think Roy and jenny are going anywhere!"

Todd just grinned and let sara and Celine lead him into Celine's bedroom where they spent the next two hours literally screwing each other's brains out. Afterwards, all five of them sat down and had a nice leisurely dinner. Then Roy took jenny home, Celine offering to give Todd a lift back to where his car was.

Everyone agreed it had been a great "kidnapping," and jenny hoped she'd get to be a 'victim' again soon!


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